Re: Mudpuppy Night

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Frederick W. Schueler

Oct 23, 2024, 8:28:29 PMOct 23
to Eastern Ontario Natural History listserve

Here's the present state of the database about last Friday's Mudpuppy
Night. We expect equal excitement and diversity this Friday (20h00, at
the parkinglot beside the dam in Oxford Mills).


18 October 2024 - Canada: Ontario: Grenville County: Oxford-on-Rideau:
Oxford Mills Dam, Kemptville Creek. (100m ard dam), 44.96486° N
75.67863° W TIME: 2019-2140. AIR TEMP: 9°C, clear, calm. HABITAT:
brown-water creek at limestone flats below old milldam, water 9.5 C.
OBSERVER: Frederick W. Schueler, Aleta Karstad Schueler, Matt Keevil,
Matt & Meredith Windle, Emma Ehrenfeld, ++. 2024/285/h, visit (event).
natural history. Mudpuppy Night in Oxford Mills with River Institute
visitors. - arrived at 20h03, down to creek 20h19, back up at 21h40 -
left at 22h11 after lots of talking. Lawn & Vinca minor (Periwinkle)
mowed, and all the Rhus typhina (Staghorn Sumac) cut, as is the Ulmus
americana (White Elm) along the E side wall.

Flow 0.514 cubic metres/second from RVCA graph, average 1.9 cubic
metres/second. Vantage Point ledge is 15 cm above current water level
with sparse Helisoma campanulatum (Bell-mouth Ramshorn) drift on top of
the ledge from previous higher flows. On the E side there are lumpy
areas of Moss and a deep carpet in midstream - doubtless from high flows
all summer.

Nothing seen from bridge, but the water was murky from wading.

Aleta: There was more moss (with a layer of mud/detritus underneath,
which clouded the view downstream somewhat) than I've ever seen, and
this was distressing, as there were few places that one could walk
without being afraid of squashing creatures unseen beneath moss.

(same location) 2024/285/ha, Hypsizygus ulmarius (Manitoba Maple
Knothole Oyster) (p F). 1 in fruit, seen. 1 cap way up in an Acer
negundo above the dam on the E side. - the first seen this year.

(same location) 2024/285/hc, Necturus maculosus (Mudpuppy) (herp). 5
adult, seen, photo, captured. 2 retained for MGK tagging, 1 large one
got away. . . . and 2 seen by River Institute crew in cracks above the

Aleta: I spotted the first (largest) Mudpuppy moving in a mossy area on
the east side, a few metres above the drop-off. It was caught,
photographed, and released, and others caught two smaller ones which
Matt retained for tagging.

(same location) 2024/285/hd, Rana clamitans (Green Frog) (herp). several
juvenile, seen. 1 very small one & a few other juvs. Aleta: There were
several cute small Green Frogs sitting partially out of the water, on
submerged mossy stones near the lower E shore. I saw no large Green Frogs.

(same location) 2024/285/he, Rana catesbeiana (Bull Frog) (herp). common
juvenile, adult, larva, seen. 2 adults, few juvs and a fair number of
tadpoles. Aleta: two large Bull Frogs sleeping on the bottom, quite exposed.

(same location) 2024/285/hf, Rana pipiens (Leopard Frog) (herp). 2
adult, seen. 2 adults in midstream moss. Aleta: . . . the clearly
spotted rear end of a medium sized Leopard Frog in the moss.

(same location) 2024/285/hg, Orconectes rusticus HYBRID:Orconectes
propinquus (hybrid Rusty/propinquus Crayfish) (Crayfish). abundant
adult, juvenile, prey of predator, seen, specimen, video. many active on
the flats & many predated remains. Fred: E spillway with many carcasses
with abdomen bitten off (a bagfull saved dried with methanol), but none
alive around any of the spllways - E spillway has more logs and flow
only through cracks and no living Crayfish - Ardea herodias (Great Blue
Heron) droppings on algaed lip of spillway so these may have been taking
a lot of Crayfish. Many all through the main flow, all sizes and some
very large pale ones.

Aleta: One very large Crayfish was wandering about there, as if hoping
to catch one of the hundreds of large tadpoles that rested on the rocks
in the east side embayment (where the Acer negundo (Manitoba Maple) used
to overhang), but it made no attempt to catch any. I took many short
underwater Go Pro videos with the 1 m long selfie stick of all of the
activity here.

Just below the submerged limestone ledge below the spillway I watched a
large Crayfish walking slowly… with no tail. And then farther down from
the spillway - about halfway to the drop-off and in the centre, I saw a
strangely-shaped Crayfish with lots of legs - one was straddling the
back of the other (unusual for a fighting or mating position) - and when
I separated the two, it was evident that the one on top had been eating
from the lifeless, tail-less torso of the other.

There were lots of parts of Crayfish scattered over the whole bottom of
the creek, from side to side, and halfway down to the drop-off, and my
impression was that Procyon lotor (Raccoon) had been wading to catch
crayfish, instead of concentrating their hunting up on the spillway as
in other years of massive upstream migration. I didn't notice any great
drifts of Crayfish parts just below the spillway either.

(same location) 2024/285/hh, Orconectes virilis (Northern Crayfish)
(Crayfish). 1 adult, seen, captured. caught by Matt Keevil.

(same location) 2024/285/hi, Gyrinidae (Whirligig Beetle)
(entomological). abundant mature, seen. swarms on both sides of the site.

(same location) 2024/285/hj, Lethocerus americanus (Toebiter)
(entomological). 1 mature, captured. found by Matt Keevil near the dropoff.

(same location) 2024/285/hk, Lymnaea stagnalis (Great Pond Snail)
(Mollusca). 4/several shell, seen, specimen. several fresh shells in
midstream, 4 preserved. Shells picked up from dimples in moss (not
carefully searched).

(same location) 2024/285/hl, Helisoma trivolvus (Larger Eastern
Ramshorn) (Mollusca). 1 shell, specimen. fresh shell in midstream.

(same location) 2024/285/hm, Bulimnea megasoma (Showy Pond Snail)
(Mollusca). 1 shell, specimen. old shell in midstream.

(same location) 2024/285/hn, Lemna minor (Common Duckweed) (Plant).
common herb, seen. very few along E side, the only Duckweed.

(same location) 2024/285/ho, Typha angustifolia (Narrow-leaved Cattail)
(Plant). 1stand herb, in fruit, prey of predator, seen. the stand above
the dam with many heads in fluff.

(same location) 2024/285/hp, Ameiurus nebulosus (Brown Bullhead) (fish).
6ca juvenile, seen. on the upstream corner of the W side flats.

(same location) 2024/285/hq, Lepomis gibbosus (Pumpkinseed) (fish).
common adult, seen. seen on the flats.

(same location) 2024/285/hr, Micropterus dolomieui (Smallmouth Bass)
(fish). present adult, seen. seen on the flats.

(same location) 2024/285/hs, Micropterus salmoides (Largemouth Bass)
(fish). common adult, seen. seen on the flats.

(same location) 2024/285/ht, Ambloplites rupestris (Rock Bass) (fish).
common adult, seen. seen on the flats.

(same location) 2024/285/hy, Ardea herodias (Great Blue Heron) (Bird). 1
adult, seen. flying downstream shortly before we left.

(same location) 2024/285/hz, Ondatra zibethicus (Muskrat) (Mammal). 1
adult, seen. swimming in the main flow.

Naomi Langlois-Anderson

Oct 24, 2024, 9:50:25 AMOct 24
I took a fish ID refresher with ROM earlier this year and Largemouth Bass are now Micropterus nigricans. Also a few other revisions of species names and family names for Bowfin, now Emerald Bowfin, Alewife, now Alosidae family, American Shad, now Alosidae family, Gizzard Shad, now Dorosomatidae family. Deepwater Sculpin is now Fathead Sculpin.

Hoping to attend a mudpuppy night soon!


-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Frederick W. Schueler
Sent: October 23, 2024 8:28 PM
To: Eastern Ontario Natural History listserve <>
Subject: [NatureList] Re: Mudpuppy Night

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