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Jul 4, 2024, 7:27:31 AM (17 hours ago) Jul 4
to Eastern Ontario Natural History listserve
is called Catch the Froggie. At 3:00 a.m. my dog Kerrie needed to go
out, and I wanted to check what was coming to the moth lights. Start
with tending to the dog's needs. Leash in one hand, flashlight in the
open, I opened the front door. A green frog must have been sitting
right on the doorstep and as soon as the door was open it came racing
us past us heading for the livingroom. Usually they come in and sit,
so I continued on outside. When I came in it was sitting by the
bookshelf so I grabbed a plastic container to trap it. Being closer
to senior status than I like to admit I'm just not as quick and nimble
as I used to be, even less so at 3:00 a.m. Needless to say my efforts
were unsuccessful and Froggie escaped behind the couch, so I lost the
first skirmish. George is under instructions to keep an eye open and
report on any sightings of Froggie. It will no doubt get hungry and
come out hunting. I'm hoping for a quick end to this chase, a few
years back a big one got in and it took me and Dad 3 days to capture
and evict that one.

On a side note Big Mama Toad was out there last night, she is so large
that I could hear where she was moving about while I was photographing
moths. Plenty of moths came to the lights, including one luna. Also
plenty of hungry mosquitoes.

Rose-Marie, north of Perth Road Village

Frederick W. Schueler

Jul 4, 2024, 8:51:50 AM (15 hours ago) Jul 4
On 04-Jul-24 7:27 a.m., wrote:

> Being closer to senior status than I like to admit I'm just not as quick
> and nimble as I used to be, even less so at 3:00 a.m.  Needless to say
> my efforts were unsuccessful and Froggie escaped behind the couch, so I
> lost the first skirmish.  George is under instructions to keep an eye
> open and report on any sightings of Froggie.  It will no doubt get
> hungry and come out hunting.  I'm hoping for a quick end to this chase,
> a few years back a big one got in and it took me and Dad 3 days to
> capture and evict that one.

* you might want to put a shallow tray of water near where the frog got
away - you don't want it to dry to a crisp. We've done this a few times
when frogs have gotten away in the house.

One winter we had a Crayfish in a tank which had a psychologically
unsettling encounter with a larger Crayfish we had briefly put in the
tank with it, and even after the other had been removed it would crawl
up the corner of the aquarium and get away - but 18 hours later it would
feel things were getting dry, and crawl out onto the centre of the
kitchen floor, and we'd put it back in its tank. This happened several
times, with a very regular 18 hour interval, but I never got around to
writing up "Timing of dehydration stress in kitchen-wandering Orconectes
virilis with PTSD."

fred (sorry about the line breaks in the signature file - no idea why
the mail programme has decided to goof around with them)
---------Frederick W. Schueler & Aleta Karstad ------------ Fragile
Inheritance Natural History - FI
Newsletter -
2022 annual letter: 6 St-Lawrence
Street Bishops Mills, RR#2 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0 on the Smiths
Falls Limestone Plain 44.87156° N 75.70095° W

V. Kirkwood

Jul 4, 2024, 9:36:36 AM (15 hours ago) Jul 4

I guess it was too wet out even for the frogs! I hope you don't have to bring one of your rat snakes inside to deal with the frog.


Visit my fine art photography page at

Jul 4, 2024, 10:31:16 AM (14 hours ago) Jul 4
It won't come to that. George would be worried that the snake would
end up in the bed and Kerrie would go nuts barking at it. Either way,
at my age one tends to avoid such commotion. ;-)

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I Macaulay

Jul 4, 2024, 12:02:49 PM (12 hours ago) Jul 4
Sounds like adam and eve all over again

"George would be worried that the snake would 
end up in the bed"

Do not kiss the frog, Its a lie.

I have never seen a green frog away from a water deposit.  Wonder why it was at the door.

Senility has been a smooth transition for me.

Note New Hours

Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
Open at 11:AM   Close at 5:00 PM
45.2397 N long: 76.0991 W Elv 137 M UTM
    Don't Forget to Save the Stamps

Jul 4, 2024, 12:15:08 PM (12 hours ago) Jul 4
Ian, you just gave me a good belly laugh!

My house is close to the lake albeit up on a hill and green frogs,
leopard frogs, toads, and pickerel frogs are often close to the house.
They like the walkway at the front door and the patio in front of
the basement when there's enough moisture. In August and September I
often have a couple of large pickerel frogs that like to spend the day
in my flower pots I have even had bullfrogs at the front door, usually
in late September or October. To this day it startles me to see
bullfrogs out and about away from the water.

Speaking of frogs some of you may recall the Great Green Frog Die-off
I had here a few years ago, never did find out the cause. I keep
checking to see how many green frogs have re-populated, haven't been
seeing many during the daytime. However, at night while I'm out
checking the moths at the lights I am now hearing a lot of
"BAHN-bahn-bahrnp" banjo burps from the males, so it sounds like the
numbers are getting back to good standard.


Quoting 'I Macaulay' via NatureList <>:

> Sounds like adam and eve all over again
> "George would be worried that the snake would 
> end up in the bed"
> Do not kiss the frog, Its a lie.
> I have never seen a green frog away from a water deposit.  Wonder
> why it was at the door.
> Senility has been a smooth transition for me.
> Note New Hours
> Ian Macaulay   Carp, Ontario
> Open at 11:AM   Close at 5:00 PM45.2397 N long: 76.0991 W Elv 137 M UTM

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