Crowdfunding for Camp Logic, a book helping kids to play with the underlying structures of math

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Maria Droujkova

May 9, 2014, 7:21:46 AM5/9/14
Natural Math will be publishing Camp Logic by Mark Saul and Sian Zelbo this year. Please help us raise awareness of the book and crowdfund it!

Camp Logic is a book for teachers, parents, math circle leaders, and anyone who nurtures the intellectual development of children. It is not necessary to have any mathematical background at all to use these activities – only to have a willingness to dig in and work toward solving problems where there is no clear path to a solution.

You can help us publish Camp Logic! Let your friends, colleagues, and the world know you want children to enjoy the underlying structures of math: share this page on your sites, blogs, and social media. Join the crowdfunding event to contribute money for editing, printing, and distributing the book, and to field test the activities. The book will by published in 2014, under an open Creative Commons license.

Camp Logic Cover

Dr. Maria Droujkova

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