Young Math series: working on reprinting

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Maria Droujkova

Nov 6, 2008, 8:53:00 PM11/6/08
The story of New Math curriculum is a true tragedy. A creative effort of a very talented group of mathematicians and educators, wildly successful in their lab classes, ended in mass rejection when scaled too widely, too soon. There is a lesson to us all: don't try to speed up organic growth of ideas, whether in one kid, or in the whole society.

One very neat artifact of the late New Math era is a series of books for young kids, called Young Math. Each is centered on a relatively advanced and interesting math idea, presented for about four- to eight-year-olds with pictures and stories and things to do. The only problem is, the books have not been reprinted since the early 70s! Occasionally, you can buy one at a reasonable price when someone weeds out a library, but usually they go at "rarity" prices of $30 or so per book.

I am working on acquiring rights for them and making them available again at low prices. Maybe it can be done by community fundraising - people pre-ordering books and when enough orders are in, we print them for everybody. There are many wonderful options available now. I just need to figure out how to navigate the publisher's permissions department - they just got back to me today. Wish Natural Math luck with this :-) And respond if you know and love any of these books!

Here is the list of books in the series, compiled by Julie Brennan, a homeschooling mother and a hero, of Living Math:

  1. 3D, 2D, 1D by David A. Adler
  2. 666 Jellybeans! All That? An Introduction to Algebra by Malcolm E. Weiss
  3. Angles are Easy as Pie by Robert Froman
  4. Area by Jane Jonas Srivastava
  5. Averages by Jane Jonas Srivastava
  6. Base Five by David A. Adler
  7. Bigger and Smaller by Robert Froman
  8. Binary Numbers by Clyde Watson
  9. Building Tables on Tables: A Book about Multiplication by John V. Trivett
  10. Circles by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
  11. Computers by Jane Jonas Srivastava
  12. The Ellipse by Mannis Charosh
  13. Estimation by Charles F. Linn
  14. Exploring Triangles: Paper-Folding Geometry by Jo Phillips
  15. Fractions are Parts of Things by J. Richard Dennis
  16. A Game of Functions by Robert Froman
  17. Graph Games by Frédérique and Papy
  18. The Greatest Guessing Game: A Book about Dividing by Robert Froman
  19. How Did Numbers Begin? by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
  20. How Little and How Much: A Book about Scales by Franklyn M. Branley
  21. Less than Nothing is Really Something by Robert Froman
  22. Lines, Segments, Polygons by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
  23. Long, Short, High, Low, Thin, Wide by James T. Fey
  24. Maps, Tracks, and the Bridges of Konigsberg: A Book about Networks by
  25. Michael Holt
  26. Mathematical Games for One or Two by Mannis Charosh
  27. Measure with Metric by Franklyn M. Branley
  28. Number Ideas through Pictures by Mannis Charosh
  29. Odds and Evens by Thomas C. O'Brien
  30. Probability by Charles F. Linn
  31. Right Angles: Paper-Folding Geometry by Jo Phillips
  32. Roman Numerals by David A. Adler
  33. Rubber Bands, Baseballs and Doughnuts: A Book about Topology by Robert
  34. Froman
  35. Shadow Geometry by Daphne Harwood Trivett
  36. Solomon Grundy, Born on Oneday: A Finite Arithmetic Puzzle by Malcolm
  37. E. Weiss
  38. Spirals by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
  39. Statistics by Jane Jonas Srivastava
  40. Straight Lines, Parallel Lines, Perpendicular Lines by Mannis Charosh
  41. Venn Diagrams by Robert Froman
  42. Weighing & Balancing by Jane Jonas Srivastava
  43. What is Symmetry? by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
  44. Yes-No; Stop-Go: Some Patterns in Mathematical Logic by Judith L.
  45. Gersting and Joseph E. Kuczkowski
  46. Zero is not Nothing by Mindel and Harry Sitomer


Make math your own, to make your own math. a sketch of a social math site a mailing list about math maker activities the family multiplication study

Linda Fleck

Nov 6, 2008, 11:45:34 PM11/6/08
I have a couple of these books, and we have borrowed many of them from the library. They are WONDERFUL.

Good Luck!

--- On Thu, 11/6/08, Maria Droujkova <> wrote:
> book<>.
> I am working on acquiring rights for them and making them
> available again at
> low prices. Maybe it can be done by community fundraising -
> people
> pre-ordering books and when enough orders are in, we print
> them for
> everybody. There are many wonderful options available now.
> I just need to
> figure out how to navigate the publisher's permissions
> department - they
> just got back to me today. Wish Natural Math luck with this
> :-) And respond
> if you know and love any of these books!
> --
> Here is the list of books in the series, compiled by Julie
> Brennan, a
> homeschooling mother and a hero, of Living Math
> <>:
> 1. 3D, 2D, 1D by David A. Adler
> 2. 666 Jellybeans! All That? An Introduction to Algebra
> by Malcolm E.
> Weiss
> 3. Angles are Easy as Pie by Robert Froman
> 4. Area by Jane Jonas Srivastava
> 5. Averages by Jane Jonas Srivastava
> 6. Base Five by David A. Adler
> 7. Bigger and Smaller by Robert Froman
> 8. Binary Numbers by Clyde Watson
> 9. Building Tables on Tables: A Book about
> Multiplication by John V.
> Trivett
> 10. Circles by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
> 11. Computers by Jane Jonas Srivastava
> 12. The Ellipse by Mannis Charosh
> 13. Estimation by Charles F. Linn
> 14. Exploring Triangles: Paper-Folding Geometry by Jo
> Phillips
> 15. Fractions are Parts of Things by J. Richard Dennis
> 16. A Game of Functions by Robert Froman
> 17. Graph Games by Frédérique and Papy
> 18. The Greatest Guessing Game: A Book about Dividing by
> Robert Froman
> 19. How Did Numbers Begin? by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
> 20. How Little and How Much: A Book about Scales by
> Franklyn M. Branley
> 21. Less than Nothing is Really Something by Robert
> Froman
> 22. Lines, Segments, Polygons by Mindel and Harry
> Sitomer
> 23. Long, Short, High, Low, Thin, Wide by James T. Fey
> 24. Maps, Tracks, and the Bridges of Konigsberg: A Book
> about Networks by
> 25. Michael Holt
> 26. Mathematical Games for One or Two by Mannis Charosh
> 27. Measure with Metric by Franklyn M. Branley
> 28. Number Ideas through Pictures by Mannis Charosh
> 29. Odds and Evens by Thomas C. O'Brien
> 30. Probability by Charles F. Linn
> 31. Right Angles: Paper-Folding Geometry by Jo Phillips
> 32. Roman Numerals by David A. Adler
> 33. Rubber Bands, Baseballs and Doughnuts: A Book about
> Topology by
> Robert
> 34. Froman
> 35. Shadow Geometry by Daphne Harwood Trivett
> 36. Solomon Grundy, Born on Oneday: A Finite Arithmetic
> Puzzle by Malcolm
> 37. E. Weiss
> 38. Spirals by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
> 39. Statistics by Jane Jonas Srivastava
> 40. Straight Lines, Parallel Lines, Perpendicular Lines
> by Mannis Charosh
> 41. Venn Diagrams by Robert Froman
> 42. Weighing & Balancing by Jane Jonas Srivastava
> 43. What is Symmetry? by Mindel and Harry Sitomer
> 44. Yes-No; Stop-Go: Some Patterns in Mathematical Logic
> by Judith L.
> 45. Gersting and Joseph E. Kuczkowski
> 46. Zero is not Nothing by Mindel and Harry Sitomer

Nov 7, 2008, 12:55:58 AM11/7/08
to NaturalMath

Thanks for the list...I found all of them at our library, so we will
start to check them out.

- Chris O.

chrissy akers

Nov 7, 2008, 9:53:19 AM11/7/08

I haven't heard of any of the books you reference, but they seem very interesting.  There are some really great subjects that my girls and I would love to learn more about.

You can put me down as one who will order a book once you get the rights to the New Math book.

Good luck with your publishing venture.

a/k/a Snowflake Mama

--- On Thu, 11/6/08, Maria Droujkova <> wrote:
From: Maria Droujkova <>
Subject: [NaturalMath] Young Math series: working on reprinting
Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 8:53 PM

EvaLinda DeVita

Nov 7, 2008, 10:48:22 AM11/7/08
Count me in, I would love to be able to get these books at a reasonable price!

Penelope Wood

Nov 7, 2008, 1:32:00 PM11/7/08
I'd be interested.


Sep 9, 2016, 1:16:00 PM9/9/16
to NaturalMath
Hi, MariaD:

I didn't know about this series until my 5-year-old boy asked about stories behind numbers. I will contact a publishing house to see under what circumstances they will start considering reprinting books. I will also turn to school teachers and librarians for help.

I am wondering whether you are still interested in this endeavor.

Thanks and have a nice weekend!

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