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News from Prince of Peace Job Club

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William Eckert

Mar 24, 2010, 9:37:27 AM3/24/10

Subject: News from Prince of Peace Job Club

Saint Joseph Career Transition Group 
Prince of Peace Job Club Newsletter
Hello - Members, Alumni, and Coaches
This is a continuation of the Prince of Peace Job Club Newsletter. We just started with a new email distribution account and I had to reload the complete club roster. What does this mean you ask? This means that some of you will be getting this for the very first time and some of you who opted out will be getting this again. Sorry if you are among the opted out folks! Please opt out using the SafeUnsubscribe button at the bottom of this email. Today we wanted to remind you of the Behavioral Interviewing Seminar at Prince of Peace Church tomorrow night (Wednesday March 24th) at 7 pm. Our club founder Fred has arranged for some subject matter experts from his days at Accenture to present this modern version of interviewing. The goal is to provide you with knowledge of the Behavioral Interview and share some real life examples to help you prepare for possible interviews that use this widely accepted technique. See Fred's email below.
Hope all is well!
PoP JC Volunteers

I wanted to let you know that  the St. Joesph Career Transition Group, from Prince of Peace Parish, will be sponsoring a Behavioral Interviewing Readiness Seminar on Wednesday, March 24 at 7:00 pm.

This seminar will be led by Lori Wittman (Vice President, Service Delivery) and Luanne Eskew (Vice President, Human Resources)  of Freightquote, and facilitated by Fred Fosnacht, facilitator of the St. Joseph Career Transition Group. This group of former Accenture leaders are trained and highly experienced Behavioral Interviewing specialists, who were part of the organization that invented Behavioral Interviewing as widely practiced today.

The seminar will cover:
Behavioral Interviewing vs. Skill Interviewing
The Behavioral Interview Process
Discovering the desired behaviors of your target companies
Planning for a Behavioral Interview
"Point in Time" Stories
Behaviors - "Rules of Evidence"

Participants will have a chance to participate in "mock interview" questions, and then be "debriefed" by the group and the interviewers to conclude if the sought behaviors met "rules of evidence" as sought by the interviewers.  Actual behaviors from target companies will be discussed and ways of presenting positive stories will we reviewed.

This session will be held at:

Prince of Peace Catholic Church
16000 143rd Street
Olathe, Il.
St. Mark / St. Luke Room (Lower level of the church southwest side) 

7:00 - 9:00 Refreshments will be provided
There is no charge.

This should be an excellent evening.  I hope you can publicize through your networks.


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William Eckert

Mar 29, 2010, 11:17:15 AM3/29/10
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