JNAerator: Cannot get it to work

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Joseph Gagnon

Sep 12, 2016, 4:58:44 PM9/12/16
to NativeLibs4Java
I have tried to use JNAerator, with no success.  I believe I have downloaded the correct distribution and successfully built it, but from then on things went quickly downhill.

The wiki pages aren't helping me much in telling me how to use the tool. Several of the pages appear to be incomplete.

When I built the project using maven, when all is said and done I'm left with a number of directories (each a maven module) that has a jar file down in its target folder. I have no idea what the "main" program is, or if there is more than one. In any case, I figured I'd start with the jnaerator module and tried running the jar file with classpath arguments and the -h argument to print help. I kept getting a ClassNotFound exception. Finally, I decided to take a different approach and just find the "main" and use it directly. Now I'm running! But I don't know what I need to give it to get what I need!

I tried all sorts of things based on looking through the possible arguments, but none of them generated anything remotely like Java code that represents the C library interface. In fact, most of the time nothing was generated at all.

I also tried using the webstart option, but that wouldn't run either.

Could someone please help me get on the right track?

Some details:

I am not using git. I just downloaded the zip file, unpacked it and ran "mvn clean install". Maven reported success, although I am curious what (and where) was "installed"?
I am trying to interface my Java code with a C language library the provides programmatic control over virtual machines. It is called VIX, part of VMWare's product line. The library has many functions, typedefs and enums.
My target is Linux (CentOS).

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