catmaid_remove_annotations_for_skeletons strange behavior

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Sanja Jasek

Nov 23, 2022, 2:02:37 PM11/23/22
to nat-user
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out adding and removing skeleton annotations in catmaid with rcatmaid. Here's what I have been doing so far:
(first argument is skid as reported by catmaid "Skeleton ID" field in neuron navigator)
>catmaid_set_annotations_for_skeletons(2357725, "testtt", pid = 8)
logged by nginx on server:  "POST ///8/annotations/add HTTP/2.0" 200 115 "-" "libcurl/7.68.0 r-curl/4.3.3 httr/1.4.4"

> catmaid_get_annotations_for_skeletons(2357725, pid = 8)
           skid annotation      id uid
2357725 2357725     testtt 2429736  16
logged by nginx on server:  "POST ///8/annotations/forskeletons HTTP/2.0" 200 93 "-" "libcurl/7.68.0 r-curl/4.3.3 httr/1.4.4"

> catmaid_remove_annotations_for_skeletons(2357725, "testtt", pid = 8)
Error in catmaid_fetch(path, body = post_data, include_headers = F, simplifyVector = T,  :
  Internal Server Error (HTTP 500).
logged by nginx on server: "POST ///1/neurons/from-models HTTP/2.0" 500 2187 "-" "libcurl/7.68.0 r-curl/4.3.3 httr/1.4.4"

The last one makes absolutely no sense. Does anyone have any ideas what could be going on here?

Software versions::
R 4.2.2.
2022.07.2 Build 576
I'm not sure how to check natverse/rcatmaid version. But after getting this error I ran natverse::natverse_update(update=TRUE) and the problem persists.
CATMAID 2021.12.21-2964e04e6e9772aff

Though CATMAID version shouldn't matter here as the request seems to be malformed before it even reaches CATMAID.

Any help would be appreciated.


Greg Jefferis

Jan 17, 2023, 9:54:45 AM1/17/23
to nat-user
Dear Sanja, It seems i missed a few messages from a while back. I hope you have figured out your problem in the meantime. 

Some more information in case not. neurons in catmaid are modelled as two separate kinds of object: a neuron or entity and a skeleton. It is possible in theory for a neuron to have multiple skeletons, but I have never seen this. In practice 

You can add annotations to a neuron based on a skeleton id. But you cannot remove annotations using a skeleton id. You first have to find the neuron id for the skeleton id and then use that to remove the annotation. This is what catmaid_get_annotations_for_skeletons is doing and it's that first step that fails.

You can try asking on the catmaid user list in case Tom Kazimiers (developer) or someone else has an idea.



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