Analyze connectivity of FlyWire objects using natverse

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Jul 12, 2020, 4:33:12 PM7/12/20
to nat-user
Dear Dr. Jefferis,

I'm curious if there is a way using your natverse to find connections (neuron-neuron synapse or glia-neuron contact) between 2 objects identified from FlyWire.

As you have mentioned in some threads, I can fetch meshes of FlyWire neurons into R using the fafbseg package. 

Once I read in 2 cells (either neuron-neuron or neuron-glia), is there a way for me to find/analyze where they make contacts?

Thank you so much, as always!


Mike Le   

Greg Jefferis

Jul 13, 2020, 1:35:21 AM7/13/20
to, nat-user

Dear Mike,

Please find some ideas below for how to find mesh contacts. I have not had to answer exactly your question before, so this is just a quick example rather than a well tested optimal solution. The core operation (finding mesh to mesh distances) can be achieved in just a few lines of code. Deciding when one contact turns into two separate but adjacent contacts strikes me as the complicated part. Note that none of this has anything directly to do with synaptic connectivity.

Best wishes,


Mesh to mesh distances


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Find the distance between meshes

There are two ways that I can immediately think of addressing this

  1. Find the distance of every vertex on mesh 1 to its nearest neighbour on mesh 2
  2. Find the (signed) distance from every vertex of mesh 1 to the surface of mesh 2

Obviously the ideal situation would be to find the mesh to mesh distances for the two objects (or even do a Euclidean distance transform on the voxel representation of the objects.) but neither of those are so accessible.

Option 1 is probably still a perfectly good option for most purposes since the meshes are quite densely sampled (i.e. the vertices are close together).

Setup and Mesh volume

Let’s use the same example that I mentioned on FlyWire slack.


There we were asked to find the volume of a mesh. The first attempt fails


So we need to clean up the mesh:

va6pn.clean=Rvcg::vcgClean(va6pn[[1]], sel=0:6, iterate = T)
# cubic microns 

Compare with neuron’s skeleton available from VFB catmaid

vol/cable.length # in nm
vol/cable.length/1e6 # in µm
A=vol/cable.length/1e6 # mean area µm2
sqrt(A/(2*pi)) # implied radius µm, seems reasonable

Option 1: Vertex to vertex distance

So let’s try and find the vertex to vertex distance for a pair of neurons. We happen to know that this lateral horn local interneuron is a target of the VA6 PN.


Now we can use a k-d tree to find the nearest neighbour distances very efficiently. Note also the use of the xyzmatrix function to extract vertex locations - this works for all objects that the natverse knows about.

# better to make the tree from the larger object 
# and query using points from the smaller object
kd=nabor::knn(query = xyzmatrix(pv4b4), data=xyzmatrix(va6pn), k=1)

This gives us:

  1. a set of vertex indices for the closest match on the VA6 PN for every vertex on the LHLN
  2. the distances to those matching vertices

We can take a look at the distribution of the distances like so:

hist(kd$nn.dists, br=100)

You can see that there are actually quite a lot of close distances.

hist(kd$nn.dists, br=500, xlim=c(0,2000))

and I assume that the excess of distances <1000 nm where there is a little dip in the distribution is related to this being a pair of neurons that are actually synaptically connected.

Locations of closest approach

OK. So where do those meshes actually approach each other. Well we could look at the locations of the very closest distances <100 nm. How many are there?


Still a lot! This is because at a location of close approach between the neurons, there will be multiple vertices that are very close together. Separating out these distinct contact locations is a more complex problem than simply calculating all of these vertex distances. The first thing we could do is throw out cases where the same vertex on the target neuron is a match.


Looks like that would reduce by a third.

Visualising contacts

Let’s just take a quick detour and see what the close approaches look like:

wire3d(va6pn, col='red')
spheres3d(xyzmatrix(pv4b4)[kd$nn.dists<100,], col='green', r=500)

Show close nodes on the query mesh

wire3d(pv4b4, col=ifelse(kd$nn.dists<100, 'red', 'black'))
wire3d(va6pn, col='grey')


Just the query mesh

wire3d(pv4b4, col=ifelse(kd$nn.dists<100, 'red', 'black'))

LHLN with close contact areas in red

Identifying discrete contact zones

There are a range of ways this could be done, essentially what we have is a number of local minima in the distance field to find. It might also be the case that one “patch” on one neuron actually matches several patches on the other neuron. However we’ll just try to pick a simpler approach as an example.

Let’s take the points below threshold distance on the query neuron and find the geodesic distance (i.e. the distance along the mesh surface) between them.

We need to do a bit of prep work for this, to make a graph representation of the mesh.

#' Make an igraph representation of the edge network of a mesh object
#' @param x A \code{mesh3d} object or an object for which an \code{as.mesh3d}
#'   method is defined. As a convenience the first mesh object is extracted when
#'   \code{x} is a \code{shapelist3d} object.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{as.mesh3d}
#' @return a \code{igraph} object whose vertices correspond to the vertices of the
#'   original mesh object and whose edges have weights matching the edge lengths
#'   in the mesh.
#' @export
mesh2graph <- function(x, ...) {
  if(inherits(x, 'shapelist3d')) x=x[[1]]
  if(!inherits(x, 'mesh3d')) x=as.mesh3d(x, ...)
  if(nrow(x$it)!=3) stop("I only work for triangulat meshes right now")
  # make the edge list
  el=rbind(cbind(v1,v2), cbind(v1,v3), cbind(v2,v3))
  g=igraph::graph_from_edgelist(el, directed = FALSE)
  # calculate lengths of each edge
  edgelengths = function(v1, v2) {
  weights=c(edgelengths(v1,v2), edgelengths(v1,v3), edgelengths(v2,v3))

Convert the LHLN to this mesh representation


Now we can find the geodesic distance between all selected nodes.

dmat=igraph::distances(g, v=which(kd$nn.dists<100), to = which(kd$nn.dists<100))

Let’s try clustering that distance matrix

plot(dd, labels = F)

# cut using a height relating to a separation of 3000nm
groups=cutree(dd, h=3000)
# sample randomises colours so that neighbouring clusters have different colours

spheres3d(xyzmatrix(pv4b4)[kd$nn.dists<100,], col=groupcols, rad=200)
wire3d(pv4b4, col=ifelse(kd$nn.dists<100, 'red', 'black'))

Close contacts in different colours

Ps the same file as an attachment and the markdown source.
Mesh to mesh distances.html

Greg Jefferis

Jul 13, 2020, 1:44:18 AM7/13/20
to, nat-user
Mesh to mesh distances.html
Message has been deleted

andy cole

Dec 7, 2023, 4:14:55 PM12/7/23
to nat-user
Hi Greg, 

If I want to find the shortest distances between my 3d objects from an Amira .surf file, how would you suggest I modify this rmd file? Is it even possible? Sorry if this question doesn't make sense, the data structure of surfaces from Amira is still a mystery for me after all these years. 



Gregory Jefferis

Dec 7, 2023, 4:47:35 PM12/7/23
to andy cole, nat-user
Hi Andy, I only have time to give a couple of pointers, but read in the surfaces using nat,
Use as.mesh3d to convert to the more widely supported mesh3d object type. 
Then use the Rvcg package (which should already installed). The functions 




Should help you find closest contacts. 

All the best, Greg. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Dec 2023, at 21:14, andy cole <> wrote:

Hi Greg, 
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andy cole

Dec 7, 2023, 4:59:15 PM12/7/23
to nat-user
Thats exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for this Greg, and all the work you do! It's extremely valuable!



andy cole

Dec 19, 2023, 11:44:08 AM12/19/23
to nat-user
Unfortunately, I this method didn't work. I assume it's because we're exporting as binary surfaces (perhaps their not considered closed surfaces?). However, I was able to workout a workaround, in case someone else has issues with getting Amira files to work in a normal way. Below is the backbone of the method, but essentially, I make a grid of points from vertices coords. Then one doesn't need to deal with the meshes anymore, just math. It's an estimate, but it's accurate to within our resolution limit, IMO.

# Convert all surfaces to meshes

# Initialize an empty list to store all mesh3d objects
all_meshes <- list()

# Loop through each hxsurf binary object
for (surf_name in names(df_surfs)) {
  surf <- df_surfs[[surf_name]]
  all_meshes[[surf_name]] <- list()

  # Check if the hxsurf object has regions and create mesh for each region
  if (!is.null(surf$Regions)) {
    for (region_name in names(surf$Regions)) {
      mesh <- as.mesh3d(surf, Regions = region_name)
      all_meshes[[surf_name]][[region_name]] <- mesh
rm(surf, mesh)

# Extract the vertices
vertices <- all_meshes$boo$hoo$vb[1:3,]  # Extract only XYZ coordinates
# Select a subset of vertices for the grid
# Here, we choose every nth vertex for simplicity
n <- 100  # Adjust this based on the density of your mesh, lower is higher resolution
grid_points <- vertices[, seq(1, ncol(vertices), by = n)]

# Visualize the actual object (slow)
plot3d(all_meshes$$`Post-synaptic_membrane`, col = "blue")
# Visualize the mesh and the grid points
points3d(grid_points[1,], grid_points[2,], grid_points[3,], col = "red", size = 1)
aspect3d(1, 1, zsize)
# Extract coordinates of the grid points
grid_coords <- t(grid_points)


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