NashFP Meeting Tonight!!!

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Shritesh Bhattarai

Jan 26, 2021, 9:25:47 AM1/26/21
Hey NashFP’ers,

Tonight is NashFP meeting on Zoom. So far we have:
  • Shritesh Bhattarai will be doing an intro to ReScript. 
  • Anderson Cook will be talking about the pg module in Erlang/OTP23 and using it as a distributed cache.

The Zoom link will be posted later.

See you tonight.


Bryan Hunter

Jan 26, 2021, 11:27:27 AM1/26/21
to Nashville Functional Programmers
Yay! Time to dust off those Advent of Code victories...

Here's the Zoom info....

Topic: NashFP - January 26, 2021
Time: Jan 26, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 859 0202 5191
Passcode: 673937

Mark Wutka

Jan 26, 2021, 5:50:44 PM1/26/21
to nashfp
I have a work call that just got pushed back to 5:30-6:30 and another call from 7-8, so at best I may be on for 30 minutes, so I probably don't have anything to share about AoC. I usually looked at Shritesh's solutions after I checked mine in, I think he's got a lot of good stuff there, he could probably structure an Elixir class around it.

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Bryan Hunter

Jan 26, 2021, 9:56:02 PM1/26/21
to Nashville Functional Programmers
Tonight's Zoom chat with lots of neat links...
18:20:36 From Tim Dunnington to Everyone :
18:20:38 From Mark Mynsted to Everyone : I have a few Model Ms if anybody wants one. They need to be cleaned, etc.
18:22:12 From Mark Mynsted to Everyone : That PGM index looks interesting. Thank you.
18:28:19 From Mark Mynsted to Everyone : I think a data structure is an abstract concept. Algorithms are required to recurse the structure regardless of how the data are stored.
18:31:37 From Shritesh Bhattarai to Everyone :
18:31:40 From Shritesh Bhattarai to Everyone :
18:57:05 From John Wise to Everyone : tail-call optimized?
18:58:49 From Mark Wutka to Everyone : In the manual under functions it says:
Recursively calling a function is bad for performance and the call stack. However, ReScript intelligently compiles tail recursion into a fast JavaScript loop. Try checking the JS output of the above code!
19:00:53 From Mark Wutka to Everyone : perhaps it only does that on self-recursive functions, it seems like it would be much harder to do mutually-recursive functions
19:04:24 From Jason Orendorff to Everyone : “A data structure is a way to store and organize data in order to facilitate access and modifications.” says CLRS, Second Edition
19:07:35 From Jason Orendorff to Everyone : A data structure goes hand-in-hand with the algorithms to access and modify it. They’re pretty much inseparable, like a class and its methods.
19:14:35 From Eric Johnson to Everyone : I think my problem is that the PGM-Index linked by Tim reads more like a data storage solution rather than a data structure.
19:15:30 From Eric Johnson to Everyone : My newb brain thinks data structures are graphs, hash tables, lists, etc. Anything beyond that is not yet in my repertoire :)
19:16:28 From Eric Johnson to Everyone : If a PGM-Index is in fact a data structure, that would then mean any data structure paired with some sort of learning algorithm is in fact a unique data structure?
19:20:56 From Jason Orendorff to Everyone : I don’t think I understand the question
19:21:17 From Jason Orendorff to Everyone : It looks like the PGM index is a data structure, very much like a hash table or a binary tree. Just another way of arranging data
19:27:14 From Eric Johnson to Everyone : I guess I never thought much about a core algorithm determining how I access a data structure. Especially one that is “learned index” or “tunable” as is described on the PGM-Index page. Going to take a crack at reading the white paper this week to broaden my horizons!
19:30:15 From Jason Orendorff to Everyone : The algorithms for accessing a hash table are interesting and complex. And infinitely tunable!
20:11:44 From Mark Mynsted to Everyone : Thank you
20:15:31 From Mark Mynsted to Everyone : Baby Shark!
20:30:09 From Jason Orendorff to Everyone : Datalog survey paper:
20:33:05 From John Wise to Everyone :
20:38:43 From Mark Mynsted to Everyone :
20:47:15 From Shritesh Bhattarai to Everyone :
20:47:18 From Shritesh Bhattarai to Everyone :
20:48:08 From Mark Mynsted to Everyone : Thank you!
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