Prayers of the People

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Sep 7, 2011, 10:35:57 AM9/7/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
Is it possible to start a thread or section for intercessory prayers?
For some reason I find this the most daunting part of preparing for
worship. Praying the prayers of the people on the spot is fine, but
my congregation likes to read them...which means I have to write them,
which means I have to prepare them in advance...which means I agonize
over the right word choices. If I can follow what other people are
doing, it helps me a great deal.




Sep 7, 2011, 10:58:36 AM9/7/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
No Worries Scott!

Last year I wrote these for the second half of the year, and plan to
do the same this year...I will upload the one for this Sunday later
today, and will try to work my way up so I can be at least two weeks
ahead of things!

I absolutely love the "Open Source" resources!


Sep 7, 2011, 11:54:02 AM9/7/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
As I will try to remember to say, I am greatly indebted to Sunday's
and Seasons, both for format and inspiration for these "Prayers of the
People" This is what my congregation will be using for this Sunday,
and anyone who would like is more then welcome to use what they find
life giving!

September 11

Seeking to strengthen our stewardship in our local community and in
your world, we pray for the church, those in need, and all of God's
creation. Each petition will end Lord, in your mercy, our response
is, hear our prayer

A brief silence

Merciful God, you have ordered all of creation, and yet we still find
ourselves in the midst of chaos, because of our own faults as well as
the faults of others. Grant us forgiveness, and empower us to
forgive. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

As this time of harvest begins, we pray for the safety of all who tend
your land. Help us to see your creation for what it is, not only a
gift to us, but a responsibility for us to tend and steward. Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Strengthen us, even as many of us fall on hard financial times, to
remember our neighbor. Empower us to work for economic justice
throughout your world, in our own neighborhoods and in distant unseen
lands. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Make known your presence with all who suffer this day in body, mind or
spirit, (especially). Also send us as your earthly representatives
bring further comfort to your people. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

On this big anniversary of terror attacks on our country we especially
remember those in the helping professions; police, firemen, doctors,
nurses, and aid workers. We thank you for working through them to
bring saftey and comfort. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

We give thanks for all of the Saints who have completed the earthly
part of their faith journey (especially). Help us to follow in their
faithful path, ever looking to Jesus our savior. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Into your hands, holy God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting
in your creative power; through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.


Sep 7, 2011, 12:21:44 PM9/7/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
I am greatly indebted to Sunday's and Seasons, both for format and
inspiration for these "Prayers of the People" This is what my
congregation will be using, and anyone who would like is more then
welcome to use what they find life giving!

September 18

Following in the faithful footsteps of our faith family, we pray for
the church, those in need, and all of God's creation. Each petition
will end Lord, in your mercy, our response is, hear our prayer

A brief silence.

Faithful God, we know that you walk with us even when we fail to
follow the path you hope for us. Create in us thankfulness for your
abundant grace, and help us offer a measure of that same grace to
those around us. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

You make yourself known to us even through your creation which we find
all around us. Help us to be good stewards of that creation so that
future generations can marvel along with us at your greatness. Lord,
in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Even as we are surrounded by a world that seems so broken by war and
pain, help us to truly understand your promise of peace, and empower
us to work for such peace here on earth. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Give an extra measure of your healing presence today to all who find
their body or mind failing them (especially) Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

We have all found ourselves as outsiders before. Remind us this day
of what that felt like, and encourage us to seek out and welcome
anyone who currently has that experience. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

You bring us together with all those who have gone before us in the
faith in one communion of the Saints. Help us to continue in that same
faithful cloud of witnesses for the sake of those who come after us.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Into your hands, holy God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting
in your abundant mercy; through Jesus Christ our Savior.


Sep 7, 2011, 12:46:17 PM9/7/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
September 25

Using the gifts you have given each of us for the good of our
communities and our world, we pray for the church, those in need, and
all of God's creation. Each petition will end Lord, in your mercy, our
response is, hear our prayer

A brief silence.

God of Famine and Abundance, you give each of us good gifts that we
all to often choose to use only for our own wants and desires.
Challenge us to use all of the talents you have given us for your
glory and to help our neighbors. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

On years of plenty is somehow seems easier to look to your creation
and be in awe. Help us to truly care for the land you have given to
us, so we may pass it and our example of stewardship on to future
generations. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

You have chosen to work through flawed people, and flawed
governments. We pray for countries in turmoil, and for their
leaders. Help those in positions of power throughout your world to
give voice and hope to those in the margins. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

In your compassion, you walk and suffer with those whose lives are
broken. Comfort us all this day . Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Help us this day to ask for forgiveness, not just from you, the source
of all forgiveness, but also from those who we hurt, whether they are
friends, family, or stranger. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Into your hands, holy God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting
in your abundant mercy; through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.


Sep 12, 2011, 4:45:19 PM9/12/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
I am greatly indebted to Sunday's and Seasons, both for format and
inspiration for these "Prayers of the People" This is what my
congregation will be using, and anyone who would like is more then
welcome to use what they find life giving!

October 2

Delivered from the many wilderness we find ourselves in, let us pray
for the church, the world, and all those in need. Each petition will
end Lord, in your mercy, our response is, hear our prayer

A brief silence.

Sustaining God, please comfort your people even when we turn from your
steadfast love. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

As we see the leaves around us once again turn bright colors and fall
to the ground we ask that you renew our commitment to be good stewards
of all of creation. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Help us to reflect in our daily lives your justice in all we are able
to control. Grant also, O God, that all world leaders would work for
peace and prosperity for all. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Just as you comforted the Israelites during the Exodus, we ask you to
again comfort all who suffer whatever their need. Lord, in your
hear our prayer.

We thank you Lord for entrusting your great mission of hope and
forgiveness to our hands. We ask your continued blessings upon all
the ministries of the congregation, both within these walls and in our
separate lives. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Comfort all those who mourn the loss of a loved one this day
(especially) and bless our memories of all of the Saints who have
already fully received your promise of new life in Christ. Lord, in

David Eppelsheimer

Sep 14, 2011, 7:03:59 PM9/14/11
Thanks for doing this, Matthew!


Oct 4, 2011, 1:45:03 PM10/4/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
Is anyone working on prayers for October?


Oct 6, 2011, 12:40:12 PM10/6/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
I will continue these...Here is this weeks, I will upload the rest of
Oct Next week :-)

Oct 9 – Law

Living together as God's people in this place, let us pray for the
church, the world, and all those in need.

A brief silence.

Guiding Lord, you have gathered all of us into community and given us
words to live by. Help us this day to learn to live together,
offering grace to one another as you so faithfully offer to each of
us. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Creating God, you not only have made us and everything around us, but
you continually renew the whole of creation. In this time of seasonal
change, help us to see your active hand in this ministry of re-
creation. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God of Peace, you promise a time where wars, death, and tears will be
no more, yet we find ourselves surrounded by brokenness. Empower all
of your people to look toward your promised future, and to work toward
that goal. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Healing God, you seek out those who need your healing power. Bless the
work of doctors, nurses, and caregivers, and through their efforts
restore the sick to health (especially). Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Revealing God, you not only show yourself through your work around us,
but also to the world by your work through us. Help us to faithfully
participate in your ministry to the world. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God of hope, comfort those who grieve this day with the promise of new
life in Christ Jesus (especially). Remind us that through the water's
of Baptism and your own death on the Cross of Christ that you have
taken away death's sting and power. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Into your hands, holy God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting
in your abundant mercy; through Jesus Christ our Savior.


Oct 6, 2011, 12:57:03 PM10/6/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
You're awesome. Thank you so much for sharing!


Oct 13, 2011, 2:56:16 PM10/13/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
Oct 16 – Ruth
In grateful response to the surprise of God's love in our daily lives,
let us pray for the church, the world, and all those in need. Each
petition of prayer will end Lord in your mercy, our response is hear
our prayer

A brief silence.

Faithful God, you empowered Boaz to share the good news of your love
even for the outcast in society. Help us this day to faithfully share
your full message of love and reconciliation. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Lord of the Harvest, you both created, and are still active in all of
creation. Help those who work your land so that all of your people
can eat, and help all of us, your people, be faithful stewards of your
creation. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God of all, the nations declare your glory, the people proclaim your
wonders. Unite the people of this world, of every clan and nation in
your love, and show them the way of peace. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Healing God, give an extra measure of your care to all those who are
sick in body, mind, or spirit – especially ________- May the promise
of the gospel come in word and in power to all who suffer. Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer.

God of our ancestors, you encouraged and spoke to our ancestor in the
faith Ruth even in the darkest moments of her and her family's life.
Encourage us as well, as we walk throughout our own lives, reminding
us that your promises are for us, here, today. Lord, in your mercy,


Oct 20, 2011, 4:53:33 PM10/20/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
I will be using Pr Diane Norsted's prayers for this week, they are
posted in a different Thread


Oct 27, 2011, 12:50:15 PM10/27/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
Prayers of the People Oct 31, 2011
God of Solomon, we thank You for the gift of the Church. We are
grateful for pastors, bishops, and congregations that work together to
create be Your church. We are thankful for a place to come together to
worship You and to walk together in Faith as the Body of Christ. Give
us the strength to be the temple both in place and in action. Lord in
your mercy….
Wise God, please give wisdom to all those who are given leadership of
others. It is a challenging world and leadership has its
difficulties. We lift up before You leaders of all countries and
communities. Lord in your mercy…
Glorious Lord, You have given us many educators throughout the years.
Today we give thanks for everyone from Solomon, Martin Luther to the
many Sunday School teachers we are blessed with. Bless us that this
temple and all the temples of Your church be places of learning and
faith. Lord in your mercy….
God Without Limits, we thank You for our historical reformation and
for continuing reform throughout our churches. Help us to always be
brave enough to examine ourselves and how we serve You and others.
Help us put aside pride in favor of ministry. Lord, in your mercy…
God of Compassion, in numerous ways you free us. Bring healing to all
in need [__________________and all those we lift up before You in our
hearts.] Grant us the faith to assist You with healing and comforting
those in need. Lord in your mercy….
Each one of these prayers we hold up to you in the name of Jesus, our
source of Wisdom and Our Lord. Amen.

Pr Diane Norstad


Oct 27, 2011, 5:46:03 PM10/27/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
Oct 30 – Solomon builds the Temple
In grateful response to God's endless grace, let us pray for the
church, the world, and all those in need.
A brief silence.
Wisdom of God, inspire your church to continue in your word. Where it
is in error, purify it. Where it is true, sustain it. Pour out your
Holy Spirit on your faithful people. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Creative God, you paint the skies and the trees around us with such
beautiful colors and invite us into your creative and sustaining work
as stewards of all the earth. Help us this day to look to future
generations as we make choices that effect their future. Lord, in your
hear our prayer.

God Immanuel, you promise to live with us in the largest cities and
smallest villages. Let your justice reign in all these places, so that
through them we might catch a glimpse of the coming City of God. Lord,
in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Healing God, you are with us even before we ask, yet in the difficult
moments of our lives you can still feel far away. Remind us all that
you dwell with us in both the mountains and valleys of life. Lord, in
your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Through your Son you have freed us from sin and death, giving us the
hope and promise of eternal life. Comfort with this promise all who
mourn (especially), and at the last draw us to your holy city. Lord,


Nov 3, 2011, 5:14:23 PM11/3/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
Nov 6 – Elijah at Horeb (All Saints Sunday)
God has raised Jesus Christ to sit at his right hand. Let us therefore
pray to our Father in heaven through his Son for all the world and all
the saints. Each petition of prayer will end Lord in your Mercy, our
response is Hear our Prayer
A Brief Silence
Heavenly Father: we thank you today for calling us your saints. In
spite of our unholy lives you look at us and instead of giving us what
we deserve you give us what only your Son, Jesus has earned. Thank you
for this unfair act we call grace.Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer
Thank you for every one you have called to help us on our journey.
Thank you for all those who taught and are still teaching us what it
means to believe. Thank you for those who made the ultimate sacrifice
of their lives to ensure others could hear of your love in Christ.Lord
in your mercy: Hear our prayer
We remember the saints in heaven. Thank you for releasing them from
the burden of sin and death in this life and for keeping your promise
to them. We especially remember those from our community who have
passed away in the past year especially______________. Give comfort
and the hope only your word can give to all those who grieve. Lord in
your mercy: Hear our prayer
We pray for your church on earth, that it may remain faithful and
strive for unity. We pray for all Christians, especially those under
persecution, that they may imitate the martyrs in bold witness to the
gospel. We pray for those who are not yet part of your church and for
those who have left it, that they may truly experience your love
through Christ. We also pray for those who consider themselves enemies
of the church, and those who curse your saints.Lord in your mercy:
Hear our prayer
God of life, we give thanks for the love you have shown to the world
through all your saints, and we celebrate our continuing communion
with them whenever we worship. We look forward to being part of the
crowd around your throne in heaven on the last day. In the meantime
keep us looking to Jesus and help us to keep giving a clear witness to
him, living the holy lives you have called us to live by the power of
the Holy Spirit. In Jesus holy name we pray.Amen.


Nov 23, 2011, 2:54:12 PM11/23/11
to The Narrative Lectionary
November 27 -- Josiah

As we awaken to the hope that can only be found through your Word, let
us offer prayers to God
who stirs up strength and comes to help us.
Each petition of prayer will end, “we pray to you” our response is
“Come, O Lord and save us.”

For the peace of the world, and for our unity in Christ, we pray to
Come, O Lord, and save us.

For ______ our bishop and all bishops, for the pastors, for the Sunday
school teachers, for councils and all who minister in Christ, and for
all the holy people of God, we pray to you
Come, O Lord, and save us.

For the church throughout the world and the faithful in every place,
we pray to you
Come, O Lord, and save us.

For the leaders of the nations and all in authority, we pray to you
Come, O Lord, and save us.

For justice, peace, and freedom among peoples of the earth, we pray to
Come, O Lord, and save us.

For travelers, for the sick and the suffering, for the hungry and the
oppressed, and for
those in prison, we pray to you
Come, O Lord, and save us.

For the dying and the dead, we pray to you
Come, O Lord, and save us.

For our deliverance from all affliction, strife, and need, we pray to
Come, O Lord, and save us.


Nov 30, 2011, 12:01:28 PM11/30/11
to The Narrative Lectionary,
December 4

As we prepare for Jesus to come among us, let us offer prayers to God
who makes and molds us as clay.   Each petition of prayer will end,

“we pray to you”  our response is “Come, O Lord and save us.”
For the peace of the world, and for our unity in Christ, we pray to

youCome, O Lord, and save us.
For Larry Wohlrabe our bishop and all bishops, for the pastors, for
the Sunday school teachers, for church councils and all who minister
in Christ, and for all the holy people of God, we pray to youCome, O

Lord, and save us.
For the church throughout the world and the faithful in every place,

we pray to youCome, O Lord, and save us.

For the leaders of the nations and all in authority, we pray to

youCome, O Lord, and save us.

For justice, peace, and freedom among peoples of the earth, we pray to

youCome, O Lord, and save us.

For travelers, for the sick and the suffering, for the hungry and the

oppressed, and for those in prison, we pray to youCome, O Lord, and
save us.
For the dying and the dead, we pray to youCome, O Lord, and save us.

For our deliverance from all affliction, strife, and need, we pray to

youCome, O Lord, and save us.
Shaping God, you see beauty in us even through our brokenness, and
continue to work with us long after we would have even given up on us
ourselves.  Into your hands, holy God, we commend all for whom we


Nov 30, 2011, 12:06:55 PM11/30/11
to The Narrative Lectionary,
December 11

From within the Furnace of our own lives, let us offer prayers to God
who sent his Son as the true light into the world.

Into your hands, holy God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting


Dec 29, 2011, 11:07:23 AM12/29/11
Here are the Prayers of the People my church will be using for January 1, 2012

~Pr. Matthew
Mark 1.1-20 -- Prayers of the People.doc

Pastor Mike

Jan 7, 2012, 5:07:23 PM1/7/12
to The Narrative Lectionary
Here are prayers I put together for Jan. 8, 2012. I don't know how to
upload documents yet.

Rejoicing in this new year of grace, let us offer up our prayers to
God for the church, for those in need, and for all creation. As each
petition of prayer ends with, “Lord in your Mercy,” our response is
“Hear our Prayer”

Heavenly Father, we give you thanks and praise that in your mercy you
revealed your Son our Lord Jesus Christ as the Light of the World, the
healer of all our human ailments, and the One who eat with sinners.
We pray that your church would be a beacon shining forth with hope the
hope of that same light here in our time and place. Lord, in your

We pray for all those in physical need, that with the presence of your
Word, they may be released from all that paralyzes their bodies, their
hearts, their minds, or their spirits. We lift before you especially
these whom we name: (Silence for prayer.) As the paralyzed man had
friends who brought him to his Healer, so too may we stand in the
breach for those for whom we love and care. Lord, in your mercy…

We pray for those who have experienced alienation and rejection, even
and especially at the hands of those who would claim to be followers
of Jesus, and right now in the silence of hearts, we lift these before
you, whom we know to be at odds with the church, with religion, with
us: (Silence for prayer.) Lord God, your son ate with tax collectors
and sinners. So may we not be puffed up with our own supposed self-
righteousness. Rather, humble us and make us gentle like Jesus, and
grant us healing and reconciliation. Lord, in your mercy…

With a word, “Follow me,” Jesus called Levi the tax collector into
discipleship. With a word in a baptism, still to this day, you call
sinners into your service, with all the gifts and talents with which
you have created them through your goodness. We pray for accountants,
book keepers, tax experts, and yes, Lord, even tax collectors from
within our congregation and within our community. May their gifts and
talents aid us in being good stewards of the financial treasure with
which you have entrusted us, that our good stewardship lead to
generosity and service to all. Lord, in your mercy…

In your Word today, Lord, you remind us your presence with us and our
faith in you is as a joyful wedding feast. You are the host and
bridegroom of the feast, with whom and through whom we are united by
our faith in you. Make us joy-filled in our practice. Remind us and
guide us in practices that make your relationship with us visible and
tangible—through conversation that builds up our faith; through
devotion and prayer; through service to others; through ritual and
habit that make regular our joy-filled practice. Lord, in your mercy…

Into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for which we pray, trusting in
your mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Jan 12, 2012, 9:52:10 AM1/12/12
to The Narrative Lectionary
Thank you so much for your work in the Gospel, Pr. Mike. Although I
didn't use your Prayers of the People in our public worship, I did use
them in my personal prayer life this week, and I thank you for that

~Pr. Matthew


Jan 12, 2012, 10:42:01 AM1/12/12
to The Narrative Lectionary
With reverence for the earth, those in need, and the whole human
family, let us offer our prayers to God. Each petition of prayer will
end “Lord in your Mercy” our response is “Hear our prayer”

Sovereign God, we pray for those in power. Encourage leaders in
politics, religion, and public life to use their power, for the
benefit of those who find themselves powerless. Lord in your Mercy,
Hear our Prayer.

Holy Provider, even in the middle of winter you create ways to sustain
your world, bringing food and shelter even to some of your smallest
creatures. Help us to see your action in our world, and challenge us
to participate in your ministry of care giving. Lord in your Mercy,
Hear our Prayer

Trusting God, help us to be faithful stewards of the fragile bounty of
this earth so that we may be entrusted with the riches of heaven.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer

Healing God, we pray for all who are sick, anxious, lonely, or
grieving, especially _____________, that they not lose hear, but hold
fast to your promises, Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

Faithful God, we give thanks for all the departed saints whose lives
enriched our family of faith, and who now dwell with you in Glory.
Lord in your Mercy, Hear our Prayer.

Creator God, you call us to love and serve you with body, mind, and
spirit through loving your creation
and our sisters and brothers. Open our hearts in compassion and
receive these petitions on behalf of the needs of the church and the
world, through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN


Jan 19, 2012, 10:56:24 AM1/19/12
to The Narrative Lectionary
Jan 22

Acknowledging all that God has done for us in our lives, let us offer
our prayers to God. Each petition of prayer will end “Lord in your
Mercy” our response is “Hear our prayer”

Liberating God, wherever people spend their days like puppets with a
legion of string-pullers, losing their own sense of worth and purpose,
let your life come in its fullness. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our

Healing God, wherever some have lost contact with reality, and suffer
mental torments through every hour of each day , let your life come in
its fullness. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Encouraging God, wherever some are at last breaking free and taking
the first steps towards independence of mind and spirit, let your life
come in its fullness. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Inspiring God, wherever human beings are physically restrained but
remain mentally tough and spiritually and mentally free, let your life
come in its fullness. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

Loving Counsellor, wherever they seek a reliable friend, or healer,
comforter, adviser, teacher or a sure Redeemer, let your life come in
its fullness. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our prayer.

God of Salvation, wherever people suffer the indignities of poverty,
the loneliness of misunderstanding, or the crushing brutality of war ,
let your life come in its fullness. Lord in your Mercy, Hear our

God of Love, wherever the members of your church have traded liberty
for legalism, or the living Truth for dogma, or trust for religious
fears, let your life come in its fullness. Lord in your Mercy, Hear
our prayer.


Jan 26, 2012, 10:42:22 AM1/26/12
to The Narrative Lectionary
I don't take any credit or ownership of this weeks Prayers of the
people, I they are "Found" prayers that have been ever so slightly
modified. This is what my congregation will be using for Sunday.

With the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, let us pray for the
church, those in need, and all of
God's creation.
Each petition of prayer will end “God of Mercy,” our response is “Hear
our Prayer”

Let us pray for the church, that we may offer the hand and the healing
of Christ to stranger and
foe. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.

Let us pray for clean air and water, an abundant harvest, and
generosity to share the gifts of
God's creation with those who have little. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.

Let us pray for a conviction and faith to sustain us in every hour,
we might persevere and be grateful, regardless of circumstance. God of
hear our prayer.

Let us pray for songs of faith and for musicians, poets, and composers
who put the gospel of
Christ on our lips. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.

Let us pray that the wounds of Christ connect us to the wounds of the
world, and that in those
wounds we will see, hear, and feel your presence with us. God of
hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those whose health or circumstances test their faith
and their spirits. Comfort and
strengthen those who are ill (especially) and give to all a measure of
your power. God of mercy, hear our prayer.

Every morning your mercy is new, like the dew upon the grass. Like the
faithful who have gone
before us, may we boldly reach out to touch you, even just the hem of
your cloak. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.

Loving God, you are near to us when we cry out to you. Into your
embrace we commend all for
whom we pray, through Christ and by the power of your Spirit.


Mar 2, 2012, 1:05:15 PM3/2/12
Your prayers have been lovely and very helpful.  We do have Sundays and Seasons, but I like what you're doing here.  Do you have any written for March 11th and and remainder of the month, yet?  I'd love to have them if you do.


Angela Jennings

Aug 20, 2014, 10:58:51 AM8/20/14
Thanks, Matthew.
Do you happen to have prayers for Sept 7?

Rev. Carly Stucklen Sather

Aug 20, 2014, 12:56:24 PM8/20/14
Angela, I get the feeling that no one has posted here in two years.  So the dates for these are old, and not about the current cycle of the Narrative lectionary.

Susan Presley

Sep 27, 2014, 6:22:46 PM9/27/14
That's probably true -- but I'm about to start writing intercessory prayers.  I hope this section stays around.
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