Narrative Lectionary Worship Resources Now Available at

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Kimberly Leetch

May 22, 2012, 11:17:40 AM5/22/12

To support the spread of the Biblical story through the Narrative Lectionary, I'm developing worship resources you can use in your congregation. You can download a sample or purchase the entire year's resources at Here's a list of what you will find:

Worship Resources

  • Prayer of Confession and Forgiveness
  • Prayer of the Day
  • Prayers of the Church
  • Hymn Suggestions
  • Dramatic Reading of the Text
  • Skit
  • Children’s Message
  • Spark Sunday School Schedule

Adult Bulletin Inserts

  • Key Verse
  • Time (putting the stories in context chronologically)
  • Since Last Week (filling in the stories between Sundays)
  • Background (putting this week’s story in context)
  • Community (reflections on living in community from a perspective of faith)
  • At Home (reflections on growing deeper in faith)
  • Read This Week (readings to fill in the stories between Sundays)
  • Next Week (a look at what’s to come)

Children’s Bulletins

  • Story Summary (a child-friendly summary of the day’s story)
  • Great Big Word (an explanation of a key concept in the story)
  • Activities/Games (a variety of mazes, word puzzles, counting puzzles, coloring pages, and more)
  • Life Applications (a variety of activities to help kids apply the story to daily living)

You may purchase at any time; you will then receive an email with a downloadable file of the entire year’s resources in July 2012 (or a CD can be mailed to you). 
Please tell others about these resources. Thanks!


Pastor Jonathan

Jun 13, 2012, 7:47:51 PM6/13/12
Are you planning on doing this every year?  I got your work with SPARK through Augsburg, and then tried to put together next year's lessons using the same resources.  Not very doable for John.  We may skip John and go to Matthew so we have less waste for the investment and then pick up John later.  At any rate, thank you for your work.  If we do go this route we may very well be interested in purchasing some of your resources. 

Kimberly Leetch

Jun 14, 2012, 12:39:50 PM6/14/12
Yes, I will continue to offer these resources as long as they're needed. I haven't yet looked at John, but I'm sure there's a way to make it work. Please let me know if you have any questions; I preached the Narrative Lectionary at my most recent congregation and loved it! The people enjoyed hearing the new stories as well. If you know of other congregations looking at using the Narrative Lectionary, please let them know about these worship resources. Thanks!


Sylvia Lee-Thompson

Jun 21, 2012, 12:03:10 PM6/21/12
Can you let me know how to get a sample of what you are offering? I couldn't tell on the website. Thanks.

Kimberly Leetch

Aug 1, 2012, 8:56:08 PM8/1/12
Thanks for asking. You can download a two week sample at Go to the menu, Narrative Lectionary and click Narrative Lectionary Sample Download. Then there's a link in green that says,  Click here to download a sample of two weeks of Narrative Lectionary Worship Resources. Let me know if you have any trouble.

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