Re-licensing plans for Narayana (LGPL to AL)

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Michael Musgrove

Mar 17, 2023, 10:05:26 AM3/17/23
to narayana-users
We are planning on changing the license of the Narayana open source software from LGPL to Apache-2.0 ( in the next Narayana release (6.0.1.Final).

I trust that such a change will be welcomed by the various stakeholders.

Michael Musgrove

Jun 1, 2023, 9:15:24 AM6/1/23
to narayana-users
I have raised a pull request for this change.

I will leave the PR open for another day or so and if there are no further comments then I'll merge it and apply the same change to the other narayana repos, focusing initially on the quickstarts and documentation.

I will release the change in the next minor (6.1.0.Final) version.

Michael Musgrove

Jun 9, 2023, 7:23:18 AM6/9/23
to narayana-users
This work is now complete ( and will be available in the next release.
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