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Invitation to Nano Session #6 – Sensemaking Data and Applications Showcase – Tue 11 July 16:00 CEST

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Philipp von Essen

Jul 8, 2023, 3:54:37 AM7/8/23
Dear all

In our sixth Nano Session Ronan and Erik will share their latest work
and insights. Both presentations go beyond nanopublications and I look
forward to this horizon-expanding meeting.

1. Ronen Tamari on "Open Science Sensemaking: Adding Sensemaking Data to
the Scientific Record for Making Sense of Science"
2. Erik van Winkle on "Decentralized Web Ecosystem-Wide Showcase:
Applications Built on the Concept of Atomic Units of Knowledge"
3. Discussion
4. Newsdesk: Sharing the latest developments and interesting reads.

Tuesday 11 July 16:00 CEST for 1 hour


*More information about the meetings*

*Save the date*
About once a month after the summer break on Tuesdays at 16:00 CEST: 19
Sept, 24 Oct, 14 Nov, 12 Dec.

Do you want to share some insights, a problem you can’t solve, or a use
case you're working on? Drop me a note to get a slot in an upcoming

I look forward to seeing you.
With kind regards your host, Philipp

Philipp von Essen

Jul 11, 2023, 2:56:56 AM7/11/23
Good morning!

Today at 16:00 CEST we welcome Ronan Tamari and Erik van Winkle as
speakers at the Nano Session.

Ronan will be presenting "Open Science Sensemaking: Adding Sensemaking
Data to the Scientific Record for Making Sense of Science" as announced.
Little change in plans for Erik. His talk will be "Nanosessions #5
follow-up: IPFS CID Overview"

Best wishes, Philipp

To all of you can't attend today: I wish you a happy summer! The next
session after the summer break will be on 19 Sept.
Philipp von Essen

Knowledge Pixels – publishing the meaning of science

Phone: +41 76 581 87 58
Zeughausstrasse 31
8004 Zürich

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