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Nano Session #14 – Season Finale – Tue 25 June 16:00 CEST

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Philipp von Essen

Jun 18, 2024, 8:30:33 AM6/18/24
Dear all,

For the season finale, before the sessions go on summer break, we have a special program.

Since we started this format, we have had 16 speakers present their work - thanks again to all of them! I thought it would be cool for you to hear what's happened since then and what's next. So this meeting will be a recap with speakers from sessions 1 through 12.

The Format
- Several lighting talks
- A few minutes each
- Topics: How have their projects evolved? What are they doing next? What do they wish or need for the future of the nanopub ecosystem?

The Talks
- Jorrit Poelen on "GloBI ❤️ Nanopubs – Mobilizing Millions of Nanopubs Beyond the Internet."
- Ronen Tamari on "Sensemaking Networks: FAIRifying Science Social Media with AI and Nanopublications"
- Iva Boyadzhieva or Teodor Georgiev on "What Did my Paper Say? Nanopublications Pilot at RIO Journal"
- Stefano Marchesin on "From Building Knowledge Bases with Nanopubs to Evaluating them: The Role of Data Quality"
- Matthew Akamatsu on "Semantic Nanopublishing from Discourse Graphs"
- Piotr Sowiński on "Living Literature Reviews with Nanopubs – RDF-STaX Case Study and the Future"
- Vincent Emonet on "Simplifying Nanopublications on the Web with nanopub-js: Browser-Compatible Libraries and Standard Web Components"
- Philipp von Essen on "What Knowledge Pixels is up to"
- Tobias Kuhn on "Next Steps for the Nanopub Ecosystem"

Tuesday 25 June, 16:00 CEST


More information about the meetings

Save the dates
About once a month on Tuesdays:
24 Sept, 29 Oct, 19 Nov, 17 Dec.

Do you want to share some insights or a use case you're working on? Drop me a note to get a slot in an upcoming session.

I look forward to seeing you.
With kind regards your host, Philipp.

Philipp von Essen

Jun 25, 2024, 2:28:37 AM6/25/24
A short reminder for our meeting today at 16:00 CEST. Looking forward to it! Best, Philipp
Philipp von Essen

Knowledge Pixels – publishing the meaning of science

Phone: +41 76 581 87 58
Zeughausstrasse 31
8004 Zürich
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