Dear all,
It is my pleasure to invite you to our next meeting.
- Ronen Tamari on "Researchers are Nanopublishing but Don’t Know
it yet: Detecting Nanopublications in Social Media Using
Language Models" (Demo)
- Tobias Kuhn on “New Features of Nanopublication: Types and
Labels” (Presentation) – This time for real!
- Newsdesk: Interesting links and reads.
And of course, the most important part, and my favorite (sorry Ronan
and Tobias): a discussion in each slot.
Tuesday 12 December 16:00 CET for 1 hour
More information about the meetings and link to the minutes
The dates for 2024 are not yet set, but we will have a “Nano Session
Special” in January and a presentation on “Living Literature
Reviews” in February.
Do you want to share some insights, a problem you can’t solve, or a
use case you're working on? Drop me a note to get a slot in an
upcoming session.
I look forward to seeing you.
With kind regards your host, Philipp