Unpacking repeated subMessage

Skip to first unread message

Skyler Evans

Sep 29, 2021, 1:38:21 PM9/29/21
to nanopb
I am having an issue unpacking a repeated message. The The below code is only representative, but mimics exactly what i have in the official work. The first callback works just fine, but never gets called a second time, and ends up returning false from the initial pb_decode . I know that the message contains more than one subMessage, and that it is being packed correctly, because the i can decode the entire packet in a python application.
I am not seeing any error messages. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

/// Requires libprotoc > 3.0 to compile.
syntax = "proto3";

/// ******************************
/// ******************************
message Triangle {
    int64_t x = 1;
    int64_t y = 1;
    int64_t z = 1;


/// ******************************
/// ******************************
message SubMessage {
  /// Indicates if the solution contained in this message is valid.
  bool solution_valid = 1;

  /// Time of the solution, in nanoseconds since 00:00 January 6, 1980 UTC.
  /// Unit: nanoseconds
  int64 t_solution_ns = 2;

  /// Unique identifier.
  int64 id = 3;

  Triangle a = 4;

  Triangle b = 5;

/// ******************************
/// Collection
/// ******************************
message MyMessage

  repeated SubMessage = 1;
void processMessage()
    uint8_t buffer[MESSAGE_LENGTH];
    memcpy(buffer, message.getData(), messageLength);
    pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer((const pb_byte_t *)buffer, messageLength);
    MyMessage protoMessage = MyMessage_init_zero
    protoMessage.SubMessage.funcs.decode = sub_decode;
    if (!pb_decode(&stream, MyMessage_fields, &protoMessage))

static bool sub_decode(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg) {

    int x = stream->bytes_left;
    SubMessage sMessage = SubMessage_init_zero;

    if (stream->bytes_left > sizeof(SubMessage) - 1)
        return false;
    bool result = pb_decode(stream, SubMessage_fields, &sMessage);

    return result;

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