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Deployment using GIT and SSH

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Dave Everitt

Dec 1, 2024, 12:50:29 PM12/1/24
to nanoc
After issues with rsync I decided to set up Nanoc deployment in the same way that I do my other websites, with SSH and GIT. Basically, I have another GIT repo inside the output folder, and a target repo on the server that moved the updated files to the right directory. Once set up, `nanoc deploy` does the work, without ever having to update the inner GIT repo manually. I hope this will be of help to other Nanoc users, as this is how I now deploy all my Nanoc sites.

I could post the details here, but they’re already written up in detail in my solutions log:

@Denis: I’d be happy to add an abbreviated version to the Nanoc manual if you think it would be a useful addition.

Denis Defreyne

Dec 5, 2024, 6:56:14 AM12/5/24
Hey Dave,

Thanks for the write-up! I use a very similar approach for my personal site,

I thought I had already done a write-up of this approach on the Nanoc web site, but I seem to be mistaken. I’ve created a ticket to track it: I’m open for pull requests on the Nanoc web site — is the page that’ll need to be adjusted.


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