N4M2020 - Digital Edition

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Massimo Vassalli

Nov 12, 2020, 4:53:35 PM11/12/20
to Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology
Dear Mechanobiology enthusiasts,
after a long silence, trying to understand how the situation was evolving, we finally decided to organize the 5th edition of the symposium Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology in a completely digital environment.

We've been working hard in the last weeks to create a format that we hope will be enjoyable and entertaining for everyone, exploiting the possibility for everyone to access the talks and interact, without the need to travel to Italy.

The new website is finally online, http://2020.mechanobiology.eu , and the conference is ready to kick off on November 30th. Invited and contributed lectures, other than posters, have been converted to an online counterpart, and this exciting scientific content will be delivered in a blended format, including live streams, recorded talk + interactive Zoom Q&A, "video posters" in the form of 3min "elevator pitches".

We kindly invite you all to have a look at the website, and to remain in touch with Mechanobiology friends in this hard epoch,

The Organising Committee
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