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Jan 24, 2009, 7:28:18 PM1/24/09

(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all
of my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an
editorial on contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in
this article represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical
fact, nor is about, directed toward or against any particular person -
other than those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being
posted for entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post
personally annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please
notify me of your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
legal...@comcast.net. If we find your detailed objections
reasonable (considering the “reasonable person” doctrine and case law)
we will then remove this post, or the offending passages contained
therein, from the Google archive, publicly apologize and retract. My
intent is to entertain, and to present articles to USENET readers
prior to publication to determine interest, and not to annoy, abuse,
humiliate, or in any way cause anyone emotional harm by posting on
USENET or elsewhere. Please note that defending myself from harassment
and obloquy with rebuttal posts has been deemed a “lawful and
legitimate” publication by my legal counsel. If I am not attacked,
libeled, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles not
interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP’s and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web
site or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

SMEAR MERCHANT DISCLAIMER TWO: Considering the typical ridiculous,
absurd and obviously false claims about my military service that
originates from the crackpot smear and con gang that operates on
alt.war.Vietnam, I also hereby certify and attest this article is NOT
a secret coded message that only gang members can decode with their
secret Federal Agent/Sp4 draftee/former Junior Reserve Officer/ midget
decoder and mind reading rings.
This means the Brownie crackpots’ inevitable accusations and howls
that this article is really me claiming in a special soothsaying code
(a code only crackpots et al smear gang can only read of course which
involves their typical claim the American Heritage Dictionary’s
definitions of simple terms, such as “we” “estimated” “involved”
“retired from” and “not representing any biographical claim” are all
incorrect, and only their “special interpretations of the English
language can apply to all English terms I use, and of course the
gang’s standard nonsensical mind reading and soothsaying claims that
(1) I was a CIA cross border assassin that sniper killed Ho Chi Minh,
HOORAH - (2) that I personally killed 1803 enemy soldiers in Vietnam
and then feasted on their bodies (burp) (3) that I was a secret member
of the Mi Lai massacre, (let god sort them out) that I hunted down and
murdered unarmed Priests (take that choir boy) (4) that I was trained
by the Martian Army on Mars, and I have green blood, and retractable
fangs (slurp), (5) that the movie "Rambo" was copied after my deeds in
Vietnam and I still live in caves in the northwest (6) and best of
all, I went to the Carlise War College to study WWII tactics even
before I was born!!!! BWHAHAHAHAHHA.

Needless to say, the smear gang misrepresentations of my past posts
are of course, not true.

I have posted dozens of times on USENET that I will not post
autobiographical facts about my life on USENET in any detail. Only a
quip now and then. And, if anyone wants to know the true facts, or a
clarification of any quip, or more information and details about an
issue which are clearly missing in my quips they must first contact
me via email, identify themselves, and then I will determine if I want
to exchange such personal information with them.

Although the above is my standing offer, I should mention that NOT ONE
member of the gang has ever contacted me directly over any one of my
posts. It is clear the gang does not want to know about obvious
typos, errors, and occasional ambiguities, nor clarifications, nor
corrections, nor do they even want verification whether I was the
actual author of the post in question.

As experts on Investigations and the US Military have noted, the gang
leaders and their members clearly want to avoid the truth whenever it
contradicts their contrived and conspired defaming parsing and
fraudulent misrepresentations and distortions of what I have written
in the past, or contradicts their lies and fraud in respect to what is
and is not truly contained in my military records, and of course,
their fraudulent use of USENET posts they know others have written to
use to smear me, defame me, hold me up to public ridicule, stalk me,
and otherwise further their years’ long demonizing and vilification
campaign they have been regularly waging against me.

In short, the gang does not want to know the truth, and they are
desperate to stop me from defending myself as they know my truthful
rebuttals, which they cannot defend as they know what I am posting is
true, reveals them for what they really are.

The gangs lies and fraud border on the pathological, and include the
gang’ preposterous and goofy fraud that (7) a Purple Heart VA card is
the same as a Purple Heart Medal (I have posted on USENET dozens of
times I did not receive a Purple Heart Medal) (8) Nor that removing
hundreds of typos, errors, misstatements made by typists and I found
so far in about thirty-five THOUSAND extemporaneous posts under
accounts I used, and then replacing the errors with the true intended
context and meaning by the author is somehow “sinister” and the
original discarded post was the correct intended post and the
corrected version is false! (Giggle).
Such glaring preposterous crackpot et al smear and fraud gang claims
about me are, as usual, blatantly false and equally ridiculous. (Ask
the gang leaders for proof of their claims the next time they make
such ludicrous claims and watch them scurry for their rocks or produce
their own forgeries, or perhaps typos, errors and such that have long
been detected and discarded in my waste basket they have dug out of
that trash). And no, regardless of forgeries and discarded posts found
in my waste basket that were thrown there because of an error or
typist misstatement by one of our typist’s, I have posted about two
dozen times in the past that my time in South America was spent (other
than an assignment and short visit to Southern Command after I left
Vietnam) exclusively as a Civilian working for Montana Western Oil and
Gas or PCA, which evidence was scanned and posted years ago.)
Also, in response to the smear gang’s et al repeated and convenient
outright lie and fraud that I never said that others were using the
same accounts to post on USENET as I did until the smear gang leaders
started their fraud, con and smear campaign against me and thereby
forced me to post on this newsgroup to defend myself, please see the
following proof that of course the gang leaders et al have been caught
lying again:

http://tinyurl.com/6d4aay TYPISTS’ GALORE POST proves there were about
71 previous posts prior to the gang’s glaring lie that I never
mentioned others posting under the same accounts I used until after
the gang leaders started to use a few typos, errors and post fragments
written by many different people, years apart, never written on any
military forum, deceptively spliced together with forged words added
into or subtracted from the hodgepodge of different context post
fragments so as to fraudulently alter their meaning or context.

http://tinyurl.com/7kfaqz Experts on Smear Gangs reveal what the
Nigel Brooks con and smear gang is all about.

End Disclaimer - Rebuttal Begins below:

From: Dai Uy <Dai...@hawaii.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 11:29:47 -0800 (PST)
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Dai Uy" <Dai...@hawaii.rr.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:29 AM

On the subject of DUCKING QUESTIONS, when do you expect to
formulate an answer to these which you have ducked and dodged for

Despite agreeing to post item 11c of your most recent DD-214 if I
would, you have not done so. I did.

What does item 11c. of your most recent DD-214 state?

Why do you want to know about this particular item Mr. Rau?
Considering that you already know what is located in this item
because one your gang members told you when he accessed my private and
personal information - why do you keep asking me something you
already know? And if you are claiming you don’t know what is
contained in that item, please provide your reason for asking.

You've also dodged clarifying your following statements

Mr. Rau, I cannot see where anything below needs clarification. I
told you about the “Alamo Conspiracy” representing the title of my
book. Wait for it. Buy it. Burn it. Have fun.

...(For those that have never heard of the "Alamo
Conspiracy" . . . in which a committee of senior NCO's actually
determines which commissioned officers they believed were qualified to
lead, and "other edicts in respect to some officers" you really have
no idea who actually runs our wars.)

...I have trained with Russians, and I have trained and fought
with Brits, Australians and New Zealanders, Vietnamese, ROK Marines,
Turks, and the French Legionnaires.

After clearing up the above, you might care to address other
questionable assertions. Bearing in mind that you never lie, are you
standing behind the plain and simple meaning of the English language,
and that they are all the truth?

Doug Says: Are you sating any of the excerpts you cut out from old
posts you posted above or below are a lie? If you are, please
provide your evidence any of these statements are, in their proper
context and intent, a lie, and I will address your evidence with a
rebuttal. However, if your evidence consists of your normal “CBUNBA”
then I cannot refute Swami’s and Soothsayer’s that ludicrously claim
“mind reading abilities” like you and Nigel Brooks claim. I can only
laugh when morons post such nonsense: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. (You
cannot read minds Mr. Rau. Repeat that fact in front of a mirror a
thousand times and smack yourself in the face with each repetition,
and you just might start to learn what all the rational readers
already know about you and Brooks - neither of you two clowns can read

Mr. Rau, I have absolutely no intention of “explaining” every sentence
and word I or others using my account have written in the past. I
have already provided you and clown Brooks with several English
lessons, and your whines for me to explain in detail every word,
sentence and paragraph I have ever written or others have written
under my accounts requires some rational basis for me to do so.

If you believe something I wrote in the context and intent it was
meant is a lie, then provide your proof of any such alleged lie -
other than “CBUNBA” and I will then be glad to address your evidence
with a rebuttal. (“CBUNBA” = “Crystal Ball Up Nigel Brooks Ass).”

Keep in mind Mr. Rau, that we all make mistakes. We miss speak,
write poorly and ambiguously some times, and sometimes we all
embellish for a reason. You do the same in many of your posts. So
does Brooks, and Tom Huxton I believe is leading the pack in that
regard. So are we to address, explain in detail, every error, typo
and poorly written paragraph from all members of this forum day in and
day out? Are you going off the deep end with this nonsense?

Is this what you want, a constant beratement of individual words,
contexts, meanings, intents and such, line by line, paragraph by
paragraph? Don’t you have some other victims to smear with general
bullshit like you normally do without getting so tedious and

I will play your game if you insist if you adhere to honest and
rational rules I have outlined below. But I will tell you this
before we start:

You and your gang will be sorry you asked, as I have been collecting
proof for about two years now.

Here is some sage advice for you Mr. Rau:

Considering you were not assigned to the same units as I was, nor at
the same times, nor do you have a clue about what I did or did not do
in Vietnam nor in France nor in Germany nor in Korea, nor in the USA,
nor yesterday, nor the day before, nor last year, unless of course you
are again claiming that you are visiting that crystal ball Nigel keeps
up his ass, then there is no way, none, nada, zip, can’t be, nope,
nupe, negative, that you could possibly know, one way or another, what
I did every day in my eight or so years of military active duty.

You are a smear merchant Mr. Rau. You want everyone to believe
everything your targeted smear victim ever said was a lie. Moreover,
you refuse to answer my questions, but you want me to answer yours
although you have not even challenged a word I have said with anything
other than CBUNBA! We also all know that you have been caught lying
about the contents of my military records in respect to what they
prove or disprove. So again, if you want me to address specific
questions you must first:

1. Provide the URL reference so we can see the excerpt you are
challenging with your evidence in proper context.

2. Provide a reasonable reason why you are asking the question about
the excerpt. If you have some evidence it is a lie, post it. If
not, then like the sign says at the VA:

“If you were not there then shut the fuck up about it - there is no
way you can know.”

3. If you give me reason to answer one of your questions then you
must answer one of mine.

Quid pro Quo Mr. Rau.

4. I cannot comment for sure on any excerpt you provide until I see
the URL references so I can determine the author and the context,
intent and meaning of the excerpts you have provided, and of course if
any of them have been forged or altered which seems to happen quite a
bit around here. I do know you have cut out several different
paragraphs from several different posts that are not related in any
way, and then you spliced them together. That is inherently dishonest
to begin with, but like I said, I will play your silly game if you
give me an honest and rational reason to do so. With the above
caveat, every quip I see below sounds quite correct to me, with one
exception. Again depending on intent, context, reason and meaning.

5. So if we are going to play “exchange war stories” I am your
huckleberry, provided of course you do not claim “CBUNBA” and you post
some rational reasons why I should “explain” things that I cannot see
any reason to explain. All of the items you have posted below sound
like “generalized” statements to me, which could have dozens of
different meanings and contexts.

6. The only exception to my statement above is one item that has been
asked and answered more than a dozen times, and that was when I said I
thought I had held an Infantryman’s MOS during my entire active duty.
I forgot they removed that Infantryman’s MOS after I was in the Army
for a few years. But I still believe I held an Infantryman’s MOS for
longer than (or close to longer than) Nigel Brooks was in the US

6.a. Moreover, *I* was the one that caught the MOS error. When I
received a copy of my records from the NRPC I noted an order that
removed that Infantryman’s MOS when I was at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
*I* then posted that I made that error, not you, not Brooks. I was
first to admit the error, I was first to admit I made that mistake, oh
woe is me, I made a mistake and admitted it! Now you have asked me
this same question more than twelve times, and I have answered it the
same way each time. Now please repeat my answer in front of the same
mirror and please use the same memory saving techniques as before -
you know - slap slap - and this time you just might be able to
remember my answers beyond a week or two.

Doug Grant (Tm)

..."I think I was wrong a few times. I certainly was wrong when
I volunteered for my second tour in Vietnam. And I was wrong to think
the VC that fired at me would not hit me."

..."War is a terrible thing to behold. I know, I fought in one
for a very long time, and I was wounded and almost lost my life."

..."I abhor war, having fought and wounded in Vietnam. I know
its ugly face....close up."

..."And yes, I fought for my country, and I killed the enemy and
I was wounded in the process."

..."I *nearly* lost my life several times in Vietnam and in
Korea, and if you were in Vietnam in an Infantry unit I would say
that would apply to you as well. However, I was hospitalized for the
wound/injury long before, and the Purple Heart was supposed to be
processed but I left RVN on Emergency leave and I later found out that
my CO failed to request the medal like he promised to do.

..."I fought terrorism for two tours in Vietnam, and belonged to
a CounterTerrorism unit, that was trained specifically to defeat the
Viet Cong, as opposed to the NVA regulars. At that time I and other
members of my team were considered Experts on Terrorism, as it applied
to the Viet Cong and their typical terrorist tactics."

..."2&1/2 tours in Vietnam, one tour in Korea, and one tour in
South America probably makes me an expert on war and terrorism""

..."Had the commanding officers of the 25th Infantry Division
listened to me back in May 1968, thousands of American lives would
have been saved. But they did not listen because if they had admitted
to being so negligent as to allow the enemy to dig tunnels under our
base camps, they (the commanding officers) would have been relieved of
their commands and even perhaps court-martialed."

..."I was assigned an 11B MOS when I first entered the Army and
held that MOS as a primary or a secondary MOS for the duration of my
time in the US Army."

..."I spent two tours of duty in Vietnam, and one tour in Korea
advising Korean troops on how to fight the Viet Cong and NVA I also
spent a tour of duty in South America fighting terrorists."

..."During a time of war nobody "mindlessly" follows anyone. I
have been involved in combat for many years. In Korea, Vietnam (2&1/2)
tours, and in South America"

...""Josh" I fought in Nicaragua I know that Jungle well."

..."In respect to your claim of "carpet bombing" Cambodia, well
dum dum, I was in Cambodia during the Vietnam war and the only "Carpet
Bombing" occurred on the Ho Chi Minh trail."

..."Joe, the sad truth is the Brits are right. I went through
three Butter Bars during my first tour in Vietnam (as a SFC) then I
went to OCS and returned as a butter bar myself. Half of my
graduating class in OCS Ft. Benning ended up dead or wounded."

..."Question - Did you kill anyone?
As many VC and NVA as I could. (1803 estimated BC in 2.5 tours
with only 3 wounded in my team). It is too bad however that we did
not kill more."

..."(1) Hobo Woods (2) Au Shaw Valley (3) Tet 1968 (4) Battle for
Hue (5) May Iron Triangle Offensive 1969...etc Those were some of
the battles I *personally* was involved, and I *personally* watched
and heard the "newsboys" broadcast our tactics"

..."The American military victories in the field and the bombing
campaign was why the North Vietnamese surrendered and signed the Paris
Peace Accords. I was personally in attendance in Long Binh when the
top secret meeting was held discussing exactly how this was going to
be accomplished, and how we were going to turn the defense over to the
South Vietnamese after the Paris Accords were signed"

..."Chirpy also tried to claim my records were destroyed in a fire
that occurred in 1973, some were, but most were not and congressman
Andrews (New Jersey) was able to at least obtain and declassify some
of my records in 1994 that were being held in a Classified section
long enough so they could be sent to me - copies of which I still

..."Some of my missions and tours were classified"

..."In 1996, and due to the US Army declassifying some of my
missions and tours of duty (after 30 years) I asked the Department of
the Army and the Board for the Correction of Military Records to
review my discharge records and make corrections. Which they did. I
have that document from the Department of the Army in front of me as I
write this, and I am willing to scan it (or otherwise reproduce it) in
the part that states my military service in Vietnam. (The classified
sections will be blacked out)."

..."(I realize covertly eliminating opposition . . . especially
religious or political leaders . . . is not supposed to happen . . .
but I happen to know personally that it does. I spent too many tours
in Vietnam not to know this fact. In fact, let me say without
elaborating, that I *absolutely know* that we have done this in the
past.) "

..."In respect to my involvement in S-2 and G-2, in several
different theaters and units, my records speak for themselves Jim.
Like I said, due to all those lawsuits, my past is an open book."

..."If the listening devices are located in a wooded area, then
we could also pick up human footsteps. These footsteps can be easily
detected off of these devices, and my operators in Vietnam could tell
me how many VC, and almost what they were carrying. (I am sure the
listening devices are much more sophisticated now compared to those we
used in Vietnam.)"

..."I also researched some of my old documents and I found some
information from the time I was in Central/South America that I
believe are not classified...such as my old health instructions for
Delta Force personnel when in the Jungle, and stuff like that."

That should do for starters. You know that there are many more.

-Dai Uy sends


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