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Nagare is brilliant

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Henrik Härkönen

Aug 14, 2020, 1:53:45 AM8/14/20
to Nagare users
I'm starting to get hang of it, I hope. :D

I just wanted to shout out the subject, because I feel SO frustrated at my day job, where we can spend so, so many days just tweaking how stuff serializes into JSON and back and concentrate on how data flows between the server and client. Why the **** should I care about that!? It has been solved already so many times, why invent the wheel over and over again? Why can't we have nice things, why can't we just concentrate bringing value to customers? I guess developers have always been good at finding more work for them. It's easier just to stay in your sandbox and play with your own toys... :D

This is why I feel a framework like Nagare is the right path for me.

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