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Status of Nagare. AWS deployment, stackless dependency

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Terrence Brannon

Nov 9, 2018, 9:54:22 AM11/9/18
to Nagare users
Hello, it seems that a year has past since there has been a commit to the repo.

  1. Is Nagare still in use?
  2. Has Nagare been deployed to AWS successfully? 
  3. Nagare uses config files to specify database connections, it seems it would be hard to use some of the password-hiding mechanisms where you import a python library and get the credentials dynamically at runtime?
  4. Also, AWS does not have stackless python on Elastic Beanstalk. What limitations are there on Cython as mentioned here.
- T


Nov 9, 2018, 1:34:09 PM11/9/18
to Nagare users
Hi Terrence,

Le vendredi 9 novembre 2018 15:54:22 UTC+1, Terrence Brannon a écrit :
Hello, it seems that a year has past since there has been a commit to the repo.

  1. Is Nagare still in use?
Yes, still alive. In fact more than ever these days since we are actively developing the v0.6, a big refactoring. 
  • Has Nagare been deployed to AWS successfully? 
I don’t know. We never did ourself such a deployment. 
  • Nagare uses config files to specify database connections, it seems it would be hard to use some of the password-hiding mechanisms where you import a python library and get the credentials dynamically at runtime?
The 0.6 could read configurations from the OS environment vars, in conformance to the "twelve-factor" / Docker way.
  • Also, AWS does not have stackless python on Elastic Beanstalk. What limitations are there on Cython as mentioned here.
Without continuation you can’t invoke the ‘’ method on a component.
So the ‘call / answer’ communication mechanism between components and the ’Task’ class are not available.

- T
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