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Registering an app which has already been created with a fresh install of nagare-home/bin/nagare-admin

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Terrence Brannon

May 22, 2015, 3:47:59 PM5/22/15
Hello, I am wondering how a second developer can register an
already-created app, work on it and check in changes.

Concretely, let's say we have a central SVN repo - /opt/svn
and let's say we have a version of nagare built in /opt/nagare-home

Now, I have my development version of the SVN repo - ~/install/svn
and I have a version of nagare built in ~/install/nagare-home

I now do the following:

$ source ~/install/nagare-home/bin/activate
$ cd ~/install/svn
$ nagare-admin create-app myapp
$ svn add myapp
$ svn commit -m 'new nagare web app'

OK, so at this point, I can make changes in my local
version of the app and then commit them.

The QA team, can have a staging version of the webapp that they can
run tests on like so:

$ source /opt/nagare-home/bin/activate
$ cd /opt/svn
$ nagare-admin create-app myapp
$ svn update

So this "tricks" nagare-admin into thinking a webapp was going to be
created. And then they overwrite the default app with the version I
was working on in ~/install/svn/myapp

So now let's say developer2 comes along and he wants to check out the
repo and make changes independant of the first developer and
staging. So he builds a version of nagare and installs it in

and he checks out the svn repo into ~/dev2/svn

but ~/dev2/svn/myapp is already there. How can developer2 tell his
personal version of `nagare-admin` that it should point to ~/dev2/svn
AND that it should register ~/dev/svn/myapp as being available via
`nagare-admin serve`?

Pierre Meyer

May 22, 2015, 4:52:16 PM5/22/15


1. Check out the repo

2. Activate your virtualenv

3. Cd to the app directory containing the file

4. Run python develop

5. Run nagare-admin serve myapp

And you're done : )



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