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When is the 4.0 release due out?

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Terrence Brannon

Oct 24, 2019, 6:12:18 PM10/24/19
to Nagare users
I noticed there are many commits to the nagare project in October:

So, when do we get to see the 4.0 release?


Oct 24, 2019, 6:54:55 PM10/24/19
to Nagare users
Hi Terrence,

The next release will be the 0.6 version.

This new version is a complete refactored, modular framework, running under Python 2.7 / Python >=3.5 with a broader scope of target applications: services on messages bus, REST services, MVC-style web applications or components-based web applications (like with Nagare 0.5)

Except for component-based applications, we have already developed and tested these different types of applications since some months. The Github repositories are now up to date with this "0.6 alpha" version

I think we're going to publish the component-based level mi-november and so start the "0.6 beta" phase

Then, after the necessary work on bug fixes, tests, documentation and examples, the final "0.6" will be released on PyPi
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