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Deployment options for 0.6

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Henrik Härkönen

Aug 17, 2020, 2:41:00 AM8/17/20
to Nagare users

If pip install -e <dir> gives a development deployment through gunicorn, what actually are the production deployment options for 0.6? Do the old instructions apply? What would be the preferred way?



Aug 26, 2020, 11:39:10 AM8/26/20
to Nagare users
Le lundi 17 août 2020 08:41:00 UTC+2, Henrik Härkönen a écrit :

If pip install -e <dir> gives a development deployment through gunicorn, what actually are the production deployment options for 0.6? Do the old instructions apply? What would be the preferred way?

In production an application is installed by a normal pip install <app>

With 0.5 the preferred way to served the application was:

  * in development

     - 'paste' HTTP server -- (WSGI protocol) -> application
     - 'memory' sessions manager

  * in production

     - 'nginx' (or 'apache') reverse proxy -- (FastCGI protocol) --> 'flup' FastCGI adapter -- (WSGI protocol) --> application
     - 'memcache' sessions manager

With 0.6:

  * in development

     - 'gunicorn' HTTP server --- (WSGI protocol) --> application
     - 'memory' sessions manager

  * in production

     - 'nginx' (or 'apache') reverse proxy -- (proxy pass HTTP) --> 'gunicorn' -- (WSGI protocol) --> application
     - 'memcache' or 'redis' sessions manager

So, with 0.6, the application is always served by 'gunicorn'. In production, 'nginx' is added in front of it to serve the statics assets (CSS, JS, images ...), handle HTTPS protocol, rewrite some URL if needed ... Also in production, 'gunicorn' is better configurated with multiple worker processus to utilize all the CPU cores of the server and bypass the Python GIL limitation with threads. That's why, in this case, the sessions must by store in an external 'memcache' or 'redis' server because processes can't share sessions in RAM.

Hint: the `nagare-commands-proxy` package adds the `nagare-admin proxy` command to help generate the 'nginx' or 'apache' proxy pass configuration fragment. 

Henrik Härkönen

Aug 26, 2020, 12:06:24 PM8/26/20
to Nagare users
Ok, thank you for the very clarifying explanation! I think I can proceed with this. :)

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