Privacy Options on new OSAPI v0.9

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Dec 29, 2009, 4:38:42 PM12/29/09
to MySpace APIs
Alright so I am requesting a users friends activities using:

I get back my friends activities from about 30% of my friends. I
noticed new privacy settings and flipped them all to public for me and
one of my missing friends, yet that person didn't show up in the

The only place in the wiki where I can find any mention of these new
permissions is:

Can some one please explain clearly how these privacy settings work
and if there having any affect on my issue(or my issue)?

Monica Keller

Jan 4, 2010, 4:15:27 PM1/4/10
to MySpace APIs
Hi Aj
Permissions are documented here:
As you can see only viewer needs permissions not the friends. For
friends the only thing we check is that they havent blocked external
services or your app. Less than 1% of our users have blocked external
services so I dont thinkt that would explain it.

Just to be clear and rule out the problem being paging or a filter
Can you send us the HTTP request and HTTP response you are receiving
from us ?

Monica Keller

Jan 4, 2010, 4:50:22 PM1/4/10
to MySpace APIs
Also I should have mentioned that you only get the last 60 days worth
of activities for your friends so if they havent done anything you
wont see them, its sorted datetime desc

Did what you get match what you see here

On Dec 29 2009, 1:38 pm, ajcates <> wrote:


Jan 5, 2010, 3:45:15 PM1/5/10
to MySpace APIs
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