MST will remain closed until at least April 15th.

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Tarik Thami

Mar 31, 2020, 9:56:03 AM3/31/20
to mysoretokyo
皆さん、こんにちは (English at the bottom(


やがて収束する時がくると思いますが、これらの異例な状況では、我慢強く、強く、穏やかで、用心深くいる必要があります。幸運にも私たちは、上記のすべての性質を促進するヨガの練習を知っています。コミニュティは重要であり、必ず私たちがまた再会できることを信じていても、誰もが寂しく感じていることでしょう。今回の機会を通して、長年の練習で学んできたことを活かしてください。アシュタンガヨガは、セルフプラクティス、個人の練習、そして親密な練習になることを目的としています。ヨガを深く掘り下げ、サポートし、癒し、この危機の中で健康で穏やかになるのを助けるためにそれを使用してください。毎日練習し、親切で優しく、気分が良くなるように練習してください。 もし可能であれば、あなたのヨガの経験でこの困難な時期に助けを必要とする人を助けてあげてください。


ロックダウンしているインドネシアのジャカルタにいます。ジャカルタはロックダウンをしていない東京とは違い、できるだけ家に滞在するように勧めています。 私なりにコロナウイルスを拡大させないように努めといます。食料品の買い出しに行くだけで、残りの時間はすべて自分のアパートで過ごしています。



Mysore Tokyo

English :
Hi Everyone,

I hope this message finds you all well in these very unusual times. We really want to open the studio for you to practice but after careful consideration consulting medical experts as well as reading up on current scientific knowledge about Covid-19 we have decided that it is again best to keep the studio closed for a few more weeks. We do this not only for your safety but for all the people in our lives, our friends, family neighbors and Japan as a whole. We will again assess the situation April 15th to see if opening is possible.

In time everything will be ok but these extraordinary circumstances require us to be patient, strong, calm and vigilant. Lucky for us we all know a yoga practice that promotes all the above qualities. I know the community is important and that everyone misses each other and without a doubt in time we will all meet again. For now though i encourage you to put all you have learned in your years of practice to work. Ashtanga yoga is meant to be a self practice, a private practice and and intimate practice. Dive deep into your yoga, use it to support you, to heal you and to help you be healthy and calm in this crisis. Try to practice daily , be kind, gentle and make sure to practice in a way that makes you feel good. if possible I also encourage you to use your yoga to help others in your life who may need a hand during this challenging times. The strength we get from our yoga is meant to heal us as well as serve others.

Finally I will start soon to do some online led classes so that we can connect and practice together. Aki and I will be in touch soon with any other updates. Feel free to reach out anytime.

In case you are wondering I am in Jakarta, Indonesia doing lockdown. Jakarta like Tokyo is not in lockdown but they are encouraging people to stay in as much as possible. I am doing my part to support the efforts to minimize possible transmission of Covid-19. I only go out for grocery shopping and spend all the rest of my time in my apartment.

Please take care and I look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Yours with love and respect,



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