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to MynaJS-General
In the documentation it was mentioned that the file upload information
would be available as
$req.data.parameter_name ={
diskItem: org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItem,
fieldName:String, name of field in form,
fileName:String, name of file on client side,
contentType:String, mime type,
isInMemory:boolean, true if file contents are in memory,
sizeInBytes:int, size in bytes,
diskLocation:String, the current location of the uploaded file
However, in a simple test, the $req.data.parameter_name returns not an
object structure like the above but instead it returns just a simple
string which is the fileName. So am I doing it right or is the above
object structure not implemented yet?
My test code is one of the examples provided in the documentation but
modified to contain a file input html element:
<form method="post">
First Name: <input name="first_name"><br>
Favorite colors:<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="favorite_colors" value="red">Red
<input type="checkbox" name="favorite_colors" value="orange">Orange
<input type="checkbox" name="favorite_colors" value="yellow">Yellow
<input type="checkbox" name="favorite_colors" value="green">Green
<input type="checkbox" name="favorite_colors" value="blue">Blue
<input type="checkbox" name="favorite_colors" value="indigo">Indigo
<input type="checkbox" name="favorite_colors" value="violet">Violet
File Input: <br>
<input type="file" name="fileupload1"><br/>
Some Json Code:<br>
<textarea cols="60" rows="10" name="json">
"string":"some string",
"string":"some string"
More Json Code with the same name:<br>
<textarea cols="60" rows="3" name="json">
"phrase":"Dude, where's my car?"
A Cross Site Scripting hack:<br>
<textarea name="xss">';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\';
Display: <select name="dump_data">
<option value="filtered">$req.data</option>
<option value="raw">$req.rawData</option>
<button type="submit">submit</button>
<@if $req.data.dump_data == "filtered">
<%=Myna.dump($req.data,"$req.data", 6)%>
<@elseif $req.data.dump_data == "raw">
<%=Myna.dump($req.rawData,"$req.rawData", 6)%>
<@if $req.data.fileupload1 != null>
Uploaded File:<br>
Type of fileupload1: <%= typeof $req.data.fileupload1 %> <br/>
<%=Myna.dump($req.data.fileupload1,"$req.data.fileupload1", 6)%>