Dear all,
After running the itemKNN recommender using the following command:
item_recommendation --recommender=ItemKNN --recommender-options="k=1" \
--test-ratio=0.0025 --random-seed=123 --measures="AUC,prec@5,prec@10,MAP,recall@5,recall@10,NDCG,MRR" \
--training-file=data/MyMediaLite_ItemRecommender.tsv > MML_01_ItemKNN_k_1.log 2>&1
(I have done this for k=1, 5, 10, etc...)
The output is as follows:
Set random seed to 123.
loading_time 14.79
memory 171
training data: 257073 users, 238614 items, 11616612 events, sparsity 99.98106
test data: 23962 users, 21717 items, 29076 events, sparsity 99.99441
ItemKNN k=1 correlation=Cosine q=1 weighted=False alpha=0.5 (only for BidirectionalConditionalProbability)
/../bin/item_recommendation: line 7: 116850 Killed mono --debug $DIR/../lib/mymedialite/item_recommendation.exe "$@"
There is no other mention of the requested evaluation measures (this is where the output stops).
More information:
- there are 11000000 user-item interactions, they are in the right format (WRMF model works), there are roughly about 300000 users and 300000 items
- mymedialite has been recompiled with the large heaps flag set to true (which was a previous error)
Is there any idea about what could be going wrong here?