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Mario Seixas Sales

Oct 31, 2022, 3:30:34 AM10/31/22
to MyLifeOrganized

MLO - gtd.png

circles are atributes
contexts with @
tags with # (only the #WHO tag for people)
squares are folders

any opinions? thanks!


Oct 31, 2022, 4:44:42 PM10/31/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Thanks for sharing that, Mario. That's the first time I've seen someone on this forum map out their entire process.

There are a lot of similarities between your process and my own. My comments on where I do things differently: 
  1. Because #Who can be so many different people, I don't set up a flag for each of them - instead I put their name in the note, with a "?" tag: "?Mario", for example. Another way would be to use the text tag for that, but I find that filtering or searching on the note works fine for me.
  2. I also set a start date and due date for everything - Even a someday/maybe idea has a date by which it expires and so I want it to be flagged as overdue if I've done nothing with it after (say) 2 years, or 5, or 10.
  3. Instead of using flags to sort things into career, social and other areas of my life, I have a branch for each area in my outline. 
  4. For me, setting Effort for each task takes too much effort. I try to minimise the number of attributes I have to set for each task, to avoid spending too much time on adjusting and editing my outline. I only need to be able to filter the list down to something I can read reasonably quickly, so I can spend that time actually doing the tasks rather than managing them.

Mario Seixas Sales

Oct 31, 2022, 6:35:08 PM10/31/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Thanks for the feedback!

I saw some errors after I posted, like in "!PRIORITY" is 'urgency' instead of 'dependency'

1) I think I didn't make it clear, but the only tag that I use is for people, the #WHO tag, only necessary when the flow goes to WAITING (for who?) or to CALENDAR (with WHO?)

2) About setting dates, I saw that I wrote some stuff in portugueses, like in the SOMEDAY reviews, that are biweekly, so I'm counting on making good review habits to not let anything goes unnoticed

About reviewing, I'm also setting all the weekly review on the same day for each task, like on Mondays, so when it get reviewed, I choose some tasks as Weekly Goals and I set the review of thoses for everyday, so I can STAR the one that I'm gonna focus on the next day

3) I give this destination to flags because of the easy shortcuts to use them

4) Setting Effort, like IMPORTANCE and URGENCY, can be done with the hotkeys 1-5, but yes, it's more work, but is a good filter to narrow what can be done in a circunstance

see ya


Nov 1, 2022, 6:44:42 PM11/1/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Re: 2) - Ah yes, good habits. I wish I could develop a few of those, myself!

Feb 18, 2024, 8:59:13 AM2/18/24
to MyLifeOrganized
Quite impressed with the overall organized approach here! I myself have tried dozens of different ways and I am quite obsessed with making a super organized way myselft but every time I find it too cumbersome to manage eventually and fall back to basics or clumsy ways.

Somehow I would either not have thought about something that gets stuck somewhere or it is too much to manage/remember what was the approach I decided 🤣.

Feb 18, 2024, 9:29:59 AM2/18/24
to MyLifeOrganized
@Steph - When you say "branch in outline for areas of life" what exactly do you mean?

Do they show up under Outline -> All Tasks, Projects, My Goals, Review, [Your Areas of Life] ? How do they show up under it? Do you have specific contexts for it?

On Wednesday 2 November 2022 at 04:14:42 UTC+5:30 Stéph wrote:

A. W.

Feb 18, 2024, 5:25:08 PM2/18/24
to MyLifeOrganized
does it work? :)

A. W.

Feb 18, 2024, 5:26:32 PM2/18/24
to MyLifeOrganized
The main question which comes up in my mind: did you establish stable habits which make use of this complete picture to drive the right decisions?

Mario Seixas Sales schrieb am Montag, 31. Oktober 2022 um 08:30:34 UTC+1:

Daniel Clark

Feb 19, 2024, 5:20:16 PM2/19/24
Impressive. And IMHO less cluttered than (but if you haven't seen that may want to take a look.)

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Mar 21, 2024, 1:59:17 PM3/21/24
to MyLifeOrganized
Sorry, I've been away from the forum for a few months. Here's my late reply to Saurabh:

My outline hierarchy is structured like this:

Area of Life (one item for each quadrant: Personal, Home, Work, Community)
  └Role (eg under "Home" I have Husband, Father, Friends, House and Finances as different folders, under "Work" I have Admin, Line Manager, EICA specialist, Functional Safety Engineer, SCADA Consultant, etc as my roles)
      └Goal (The goals I set up under each role - eg under "SCADA Consultant", I might have a goal to develop our business in this area, under "Functional Safety Engineer" I might have goals to define our workflow and to build the team)
          └Project (Any project I take on needs to fit under one of my roles/responsibilities or help achieve one of my goals)
             └Task (Any task I plan to do should be to help complete a project or achieve one of my goals. There will be some admin tasks, too, so I have a role or a goal around managing my admin tasks)

Hopefully that answers the question about what the "areas of life" are and how I use the outline structure to make sure my effort is always on tasks which are aligned with my projects and goals and that my goals are relevant to my roles. Both Steven Covey's 7 Habits and David Allen's GTD stress that we should prioritise tasks which help progress our goals, rather than the tasks which are unimportant or distract from our goals.

Do you organise your tasks in a similar way, or do you have a very different system?


Antonio Minguez

Apr 5, 2024, 8:36:16 PM4/5/24
to MyLifeOrganized
I try to to make it simple. The simplest, the best.
I have my ↴ 
- 10. Big Areas of Focus (from 10 to 90. It means 10 Sales - 20 Marketing ... 60 Family - 70 PS Finances - 90 Reference)
  - 11 Categories (from 11 to 19 or 21 to 29, etc.... For Sales for example, it means 11 Mass Market - 12 eCommerce - 13 Traditional trade.... 15 Product range 1 - 16 Product range 2...)
     - 11.01 Topics & Projects (from 11.01 to 11.99 or 23.01 to 23.99, etc... For Mass Market channel it means 11.01 MM all channel - 11.02 Client 1 - 11.03 Client 2 .... 11.50 Project how to improve brand visibility in MM...)
All my tasks are below this 3rd level. In my opinion, more is not necessary
Then I only use ↴ 
- 3 Flags → 🚩 Next Action - ⏳ Waiting for - 👥 Delegated (Follow up)
- Contexts → @ for my contexts and #for Agenda (people)
- Start date and Due date
That's all, I work perfectly well, and believe me, I'm managing the subsidiary of a multinational company with many topics under my responsability + my personal life.
After some years thinking in productivity, not to over complicate the system is essential. It has to be simple, clear and easy to maintain.
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