Sorry, I've been away from the forum for a few months. Here's my late reply to Saurabh:
My outline hierarchy is structured like this:
Area of Life (one item for each quadrant: Personal, Home, Work, Community)
└Role (eg under "Home" I have Husband, Father, Friends, House and Finances as different folders, under "Work" I have Admin, Line Manager, EICA specialist, Functional Safety Engineer, SCADA Consultant, etc as my roles)
└Goal (The goals I set up under each role - eg under "SCADA Consultant", I might have a goal to develop our business in this area, under "Functional Safety Engineer" I might have goals to define our workflow and to build the team)
└Project (Any project I take on needs to fit under one of my roles/responsibilities or help achieve one of my goals)
└Task (Any task I plan to do should be to help complete a project or achieve one of my goals. There will be some admin tasks, too, so I have a role or a goal around managing my admin tasks)
Hopefully that answers the question about what the "areas of life" are and how I use the outline structure to make sure my effort is always on tasks which are aligned with my projects and goals and that my goals are relevant to my roles. Both Steven Covey's 7 Habits and David Allen's GTD stress that we should prioritise tasks which help progress our goals, rather than the tasks which are unimportant or distract from our goals.
Do you organise your tasks in a similar way, or do you have a very different system?