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[REQUEST] Possibility to show pictures directly in the preview section and store it within MLO

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Dominique Froidevaux

Feb 16, 2023, 8:17:24 AM2/16/23
to MyLifeOrganized
For me the MLO is also a knowledge database. Therefore it would be very welcoming to add pictures direcly to the task and not as a link, as I then need to have 2 parallel channels for the same information: the written in MLO and the picture for it on Dropbox structure or alike.


Feb 16, 2023, 4:38:10 PM2/16/23
to Dominique Froidevaux, MyLifeOrganized
How about if you could drop your picture into Dropbox and then paste a line of html into the task that displays the picture in your task?

Slimane Aguercif

Feb 23, 2023, 9:48:39 AM2/23/23
to MyLifeOrganized
I think that Dominique would have loved to store the image within MLO database. Therefore all his information is in the same place.
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