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Questa nuova edizione dei Canti leopardiani si caratterizza, nel ricco panorama editoriale, per tre elementi di rilievo: fonde in una vasta Introduzione, che in realtà si presenta, pur con le adeguate articolazioni, come un vero e proprio libro sulla poesia del Recanatese, i vari ?cappelli" che solitamente si premettono ai singoli componimenti; onde il lettore può qui davvero seguire - quasi condotto per mano - tutto il complesso svolgersi dell'itinerario creativo e compositivo dei Canti, dalla giovanile canzone All'Italia all'estrema Ginestra; la stessa Introduzione, in una seconda e altrettanto ampia parte, mette a fuoco una questione poco affrontata dalla critica non specialistica: quella cioè della "lingua leopardiana", del suo nascere e del suo svolgersi - e del suo originalissimo affermarsi - dal grembo della tradizione dantesca e petrarchesca; l'accurata annotazione al testo nella quale non viene soltanto fornita la spiegazione del testo stesso, ma vengono registrate le diverse varianti, le fonti classiche, gli echi della precedente tradizione poetica, i richiami a particolari abbozzi o ad altri testi leopardiani.

Giacomo Taldegardo Francesco di Sales Saverio Pietro Leopardi (US: /?d???k?mo? ?li???p??rdi, - ?le??-/,[3][4] Italian: [?d?a?komo leo?pardi]; 29 June 1798 – 14 June 1837) was an Italian philosopher, poet, essayist, and philologist. He is considered the greatest Italian poet of the nineteenth century and one of the most important figures in the Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF literature of the world, as well as one of the principals of literary romanticism; his constant reflection on existence and on the human condition—of sensuous and materialist inspiration—has also earned him a reputation as a deep philosopher. He is widely seen as one of the most radical and challenging thinkers Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF of the 19th century[5][6] but routinely compared by Italian critics to his older contemporary Alessandro Manzoni despite expressing "diametrically opposite positions."[7] Although he lived in a secluded town in the conservative Papal States, he came into contact with the main ideas of the Enlightenment, and through his own literary evolution, Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF created a remarkable and renowned poetic work, related to the
Romantic era. The strongly lyrical quality of his poetry made him a central figure on the European and international literary and cultural landscape.[8]

Leopardi was born into a local noble family in Recanati, in the Marche, at the time ruled Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF by the papacy. His father, Count Monaldo Leopardi, who was fond of literature and a committed reactionary, remained an advocate of traditional ideals. His mother, Marchioness Adelaide Antici Mattei, was a cold and authoritarian woman, obsessed with rebuilding the family's financial fortunes, which had been destroyed by her husband's gambling Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF addiction. A rigorous discipline of religion and economy reigned in the home. However, Giacomo's happy childhood, which he spent with his younger brother Carlo Orazio and his sister Paolina, left its mark on the poet, who recorded his experiences in the poem Le Ricordanze.

Following a family tradition, Leopardi began Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF his studies under the tutelage of two priests, but his thirst for knowledge was quenched primarily in his father's rich
library. Initially guided by Father Sebastiano Sanchini, Leopardi undertook vast and profound reading. These "mad and most desperate" studies included an extraordinary knowledge of classical and philological culture – he could Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF fluently read and write Latin, ancient Greek and Hebrew – but he lacked an open and stimulating formal education.

Between the ages of twelve and nineteen, he studied constantly, driven also by a need to escape spiritually from the rigid environment of the paternal palazzo. His continual studies undermined an already Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF fragile physical constitution, and his illness, probably Pott's disease or ankylosing spondylitis, denied him youth's simplest pleasures.[9]

In 1817 the classicist Pietro Giordani arrived at the Leopardi estate. To Giacomo he became a lifelong friend and derived from this a sense of hope for the future. Meanwhile, his life at Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF Recanati weighed on him increasingly, to the point where he attempted to escape in 1818, but he was caught by his father and brought home. Thereafter relations between father and
son continued to deteriorate, and Giacomo was constantly monitored by the rest of the family.

When in 1822 he was Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF briefly able to stay in Rome with his uncle, he was deeply disappointed by its atmosphere of corruption and decadence and by the hypocrisy of the Church. He was impressed by the tomb of Torquato Tasso, to whom he felt bound by a common sense of unhappiness. While Foscolo lived Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF tumultuously between adventures, amorous relations, and books, Leopardi was barely able to escape from his domestic oppression. To Leopardi, Rome seemed squalid and modest when compared to the idealized image that he had created of it.[10] He had already suffered disillusionment in love at home, with his cousin Geltrude Cassi. Scaricare I canti PDF Gratis ~ Come scaricare libri PDF Meanwhile, his physical ailments continued to worsen.

In 1824, a bookstore owner, Stella, called him to Milan, asking him to write several works, including Crestomazia della prosa e de


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