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Uno scheletro ti accompagnerà in un buffo viaggio a fumetti attraverso il corpo umano. Dalle ossa, ai muscoli, a tutti gli apparati, imparerai tante cose, anche le più insolite: come cresciamo, perché ci viene il singhiozzo e persino cosa c'è nella nostra cacca! Segui un panino nel suo viaggio dal tavolo da pranzo fino al gabinetto! Scopri come sogna il cervello! Impara come il corpo reagisce quando ci prendiamo il raffreddore... e molto altro! Età di lettura: da 11 anni.
Maris Wicks (Hebrew: ???? ???????; born January 25, 1954) is an Israeli author. His books have been translated into more than 30 languages.

In 2018, he was awarded the Israel Prize for literature.

Maris Wicks was born in Jerusalem. He is the elder of two brothers. His mother, Michaella, was born Lo spettacolo del corpo umano in Mandatory Palestine; his father, Yitzhak, immigrated from Dynów in Poland with his widowed mother at the age of nine. His mother's family was Zionist and poor. His grandfather paved roads in the Galilee and supplemented his income by buying and selling rugs. His maternal grandmother, a manicurist, Lo spettacolo del corpo umano left Poland after police harassment. Accompanied by her son and daughter, she immigrated to Palestine and worked as a maid in wealthy neighborhoods.

Grossman's father was a bus driver, then a librarian. Among the literature he brought home for his son to read were the stories of Sholem Aleichem.[1] Lo spettacolo del corpo umano At age 9, Grossman won a national competition on knowledge
of Sholem Aleichem. He worked as a child actor for the national radio and continued working for the Israel Broadcasting Authority for nearly 25 years.[2]

In 1971, Grossman served in the IDF military intelligence corps. He was in the army Lo spettacolo del corpo umano when the Yom Kippur War broke out in 1973, but saw no action.[1]

Grossman studied philosophy and theater at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Grossman lives in Mevasseret Zion on the outskirts of Jerusalem. He is married to Michal Grossman, a child psychologist. They had three children, Yonatan, Ruthi, Lo spettacolo del corpo umano and Uri. Uri was a tank-commander in the Israel Defense Forces, and was killed in action on the last day of the 2006 Lebanon War.[3] Uri's life was later celebrated in Grossman's book Falling Out of Time.

After university became an anchor on Kol Yisrael, Israel's national broadcasting service. Lo spettacolo del corpo umano In 1988 he was sacked for refusing to bury the news that the Palestinian leadership had declared its own state
and conceded Israel's right to exist.[1]

He addressed the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in his 2008 novel, To the End of the Land. Since that book's publication he has written a children's Lo spettacolo del corpo umano book, an opera for children and several poems.[1] His 2014 book, Falling Out of Time, deals with the grief of parents in the aftermath of their children's death.[4] In 2017, he was awarded the Man Booker International Prize in conjunction with his frequent collaborator and translator, Jessica Cohen, for his Lo spettacolo del corpo umano novel A Horse Walks Into a Bar.[5]

Grossman is an outspoken left-wing peace activist.[1] He has been described by The Economist as epitomising Israel's left-leaning cultural elite.[6]

Initially supportive of Israel's action during the 2006 Lebanon War on the grounds of self-defense, on August 10, 2006, he and fellow Lo spettacolo del corpo umano authors Amos Oz and A.B. Yehoshua held a press conference at which they strongly urged the government to agree to a ceasefire that would create the basis for a negotiated
solution, saying: "We had a right to go to war. But things got complicated. ... I believe that there is Lo spettacolo del corpo umano more than one course of action available."[1]

Two days later, Grossman's 20-year-old son Uri, a Staff Sergeant in the 401st Armored Brigade, was killed in southern Lebanon when his tank was hit by an anti-tank missile shortly before the ceasefire came into effect.[7] Grossman explained that the death of his Lo spettacolo del corpo umano son did not change his opposition to Israel's policy towards the Palestinians.[1] Although Grossman had carefully avoided writing about politics, in his stories, if not his journalism, the death of his son prompted him to deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in greater detail. This appeared in his 2008 book To Lo spettacolo del corpo umano The End of the Land.[1]

Two months after his son's death, Grossman addressed a crowd of 100,000 Israelis who had gathered to mark the anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. He denounced Ehud Olmert's government for a
failure of leadership and he argued that reaching out to Lo spettacolo del corpo umano the Palestinians was the best hope for progress in the region: "Of course I am grieving, but my pain is greater than my anger. I am in pain for this country and for what you [Olmert] and your friends are doing to it."[1]

About his personal link to the war, Grossman Lo spettacolo del corpo umano said: "There were people who stereotyped me, who considered me this naive leftist who would never send his own children into the army, who didn't know what life was made of.


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