myLauncher with Storyboard

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Jul 11, 2012, 1:03:58 PM7/11/12
I'm new to ios development. I want to create an app with tab bar controller as the root controller, and in one of the tabs I would like to use a UINavigationView and myLauncher on top of the navigationView. I got stuck when I was asked to insert the following code into app delegate:

 navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:[[RootViewController alloc] init]];

I think for my app, correct me if I'm wrong, I should insert this line into the root tab bar controller, where its navigationViewController will initialize with myLauncher rootViewController. However, storyboard doesn't provide an easy access to root controller(aka my tabBarController) anymore ( that is no associated file with the tab bar controller, tab bar controller wasn't initialized in app delegate either), I couldn't put the following code into app delegate or any other files. I am wondering if anyone could help me by pointing me a direction.

I hope I stated my problem clearly. Thank you very much!

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