Layout Anomalies

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Jun 7, 2012, 9:32:08 PM6/7/12
to myLauncher,
Hi there,

We are getting this weird bunching issue with the layout items and it
seems to occur after using the app for a short while, and when exiting
out of an itemViewController. I have posted a link of a screen shot to
show you what i mean. The only modifications made to the library are
for styling purposes, such as the dimensions of the item graphics and
additional labels for text. The mechanics of how the items are
stored,displayed,closed,edited and deleted remain original code. This
issue has been going on from the onset of using this library, and we
have gone over all the additional non MyLauncher code with a fine
tooth comb and also converted the project to ARC for better memory
management but the issue still occurs.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


Jul 1, 2012, 10:41:41 AM7/1/12
Hi Nicole,

Apologies for the slow reply, the past month or so has been hectic.

Have you tried modifying the settings found at the top of MyLauncherView, specifically the item width/height settings but any others you think might help too?

I'll be making it easier to change these settings in a later release, as discussed with Mark earlier.



Jul 1, 2012, 11:17:31 PM7/1/12
Hi Again,

Thanks for getting back to me, i can appreciate when things get hectic!

Those settings in MyLaunderView i did originally modify in order to lay out each item on the main screen, but because they're constants, and this issue seems to be happening inconsistently and dynamically, i don't think modifying them any further would resolve this issue in particular. We are able to get them to display properly on most occasions, see screen shot here:

But then randomly we will see it display like this:

And as i previously mentioned it doesnt happen ALL the time.. and we think it has something to do with memory? Sometimes it will happen when we first open the app and swipe through the pages, and sometimes it will happen on first load, or when opening and closing out of an item.

It seems to be impossible to debug as well because its not a crash, just a layout issue, so its hard to know where to trace through the code to pinpoint where and what is causing it, if at all code related.

If you have any ideas about how we could start troubleshooting this one it would be much appreciated!

Kind regards,


Sep 12, 2012, 11:12:06 AM9/12/12
Apologies again for the slow reply. Is this still an issue? If you are still looking for a solution for this, can you let me know your image size and the constants used so I can attempt to reproduce this on my end.
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