Download [EPub] Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1) By Elizabeth Lim on Mac Full Pages

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Apr 12, 2022, 7:40:54 PM4/12/22

Read or Download EPUB Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1) by Elizabeth Lim on Ipad Full Edition.

  Read Online Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1) EPUB by Elizabeth Lim is a great book to read and that's why I recommend reading or downloading ebook Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1) for free in any format with visit the link button below.


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Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1) EPUB


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Book Synopsis : This is a previously published edition of ISBN 9780525646990. An alternative cover edition for this ISBN can be found here.Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping YA fantasy about a young girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars.Maia Tamarin dreams of becoming the greatest tailor in the land, but as a girl, the best she can hope for is to marry well. When a royal messenger summons her ailing father, once a tailor of renown, to court, Maia poses as a boy and takes his place. She knows her life is forfeit if her secret is discovered, but she'll take that risk to achieve her dream and save her family from ruin. There's just one catch: Maia is one of twelve tailors vying for the job.Backstabbing and lies run rampant as the tailors compete in challenges to prove their artistry and skill. Maia's task is further complicated when she draws the attention of the .


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