Has the new version of the mybatis plugin changed its parameters?

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Oct 16, 2023, 10:59:57 PM10/16/23
to mybatis-user
I need a mybatis plugin to fill in the time. Previously, I only needed to obtain one parameter and change it. Now, I have upgraded the version of mybatis using<org. mybatis. spring. boot<dependency>

<groupId>org. mybatis. spring. boot</groupId>

<artifactId>mybatis spring boot starter</artifactId>



The invocation. getArgs() in mybatis [1] obtains three parameters

How can I reassign values?


Peter Cao

Oct 17, 2023, 2:29:23 AM10/17/23
to mybati...@googlegroups.com
Hi Folks,

I developed a IntellJ plugin.
to help you to format query SQL.
Please check it out.



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Oct 18, 2023, 9:20:58 PM10/18/23
to mybatis-user

Thank you, but what I want is how to dynamically assign values to the parameters inside. Originally, it was value passing, and I only need to directly reference the input. getArgs [1] to dynamically change the parameters. Now, it is object passing, and reference passing is not possible to change the parameters by directly referencing the values, and I have not found a method for set
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