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Oliver Drobnik

May 11, 2013, 5:01:37 PM5/11/13

As you might have noticed MyAppSales has become defunct. Scraping ITC for reports is just too instable.

The strategy has shifted to the AutoIngestion "API" which Apple provides. This is a java class that  Apple maintains. I took it upon me to rewrite this in Objective-C a year ago and Apple updated their API such that it is now able to download Sales reports in Daily, Weekly, Monthly and even Yearly Summaries. Also Newsstand Daily and Weekly Detailed and Opt-In Weekly.

This rewrite is available on GitHub, both as command line utility and static library. So if somebody were so inclined he could replace the downloading functionality in MyAppSales with that.

My personal strategy is different: It consists of two parts:

1) AutoIngest for Mac - a free open source Mac app which runs in your status bar and automatically downloads all reports to your hard disk, e.g. Dropbox folder

2) DTReportCore - a commercial component that imports reports from a folder into a CoreData DB and provides the data to developers who want to build a Mac or iOS app based on that.

So I ask you, please look into AutoIngest. Until there is some charting app available in the least it enables you to collect the report files for safekeeping and whatever you want to do with it later on. 

It is available as open source on GitHub as well as binary build signed with developer ID and Sparke for updating.

0.4.0 -
0.4.1 -

Also, I am looking for interested developers who would be interested in collaborating on DTReportCore or maybe even produce a commercial reporting app based on it. Since there is no need any more to scrape Apple's sites, but you have the reports on Dropbox, such an App would be app store legal.

Best regards
Oliver Drobnik

@Cocoanetics on Twitter and
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