MLO-Win v6 Ideas...

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Steve Kunkel

May 3, 2022, 8:44:40 PM5/3/22
to MyLifeOrganized
I had submitted one of these feature requests in the past; but will repost it:

*Option to make task defer to parent's notes.  
What I mean is that, I like my parent folder to have all my case notes (phone logs, observation notes, etc).  The parent folder has many subtasks.  Those subtasks are simple todos though -- they never have notes.  So if one of those subtasks is currently selected, the notes pane should display the notes for its parent folder.  This would be a task-level option; not an outline-level option.  I can explain more if it helps.  

*Only one folder from this branch can be expanded at a time. 
If I have many folders, or subfolders, of the same level (i.e. all siblings of the same branch), then only one of them can be expanded at a time.  If I expand one, the other one collapses automatically.  This would be an outline-level setting.  It would have to be easy to turn this setting on and off.  

*Rich Text in Notes.  
I tried getting used to Markdown, but it just doesn't work for me.  I need to be able to edit the notes and see them at the same time. 

Thanks for considering.  

Stay Strong Ukraine!!!

Michael Emerald, CFA

May 6, 2022, 4:45:09 AM5/6/22

I’ll second rich text in notes

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Dwight Arthur

May 6, 2022, 11:13:20 AM5/6/22
I support rich text in notes as well, but I will note that this feature would probably require a formatting toolbar with buttons for enabling and disabling bold, italic, underline, strikeout as well as indent, bullet, number, larger font, smaller font.

Further, if the formatting toolbar were available it wouldn't matter if the formatting commands were stored as markdown, so long as there was a wysiwyg Vie that could be edited without having to see or enter markdown commands.


May 9, 2022, 1:40:36 PM5/9/22
to MyLifeOrganized
I see frequent suggestions which would be very practical if we first had the most important feature of all:
We need scripting!

It is related to the suggestion MLO needs an API, and the bottom line is the longer you keep adding extra code to have more and more features, the more bloat, slow-down, and unnecessary complications I have to deal with even if I don't need any of those new features.
The more you keep changing in features without rewriting as an API-friendly and scriptable tool, the more wasteful work has been done for nothing because if you ever do finally make it all scriptable, those should now be done differently instead of integrated in the base application, so someone has to rewrite all of them to be reasonable.

The advantage of scripting is more than one might think because any event can be a hook to run script in any context and once people can add features then everyone could have the same feature but not if they don't need that one. Then another could take the same feature idea and make it work better for different circumstances with less effort.

The only problem with adding scripting or at least the API interface to allow scripting is if you don't properly implement to be efficient and capable but there should be many examples to learn from in opensource communities.

Steve Kunkel

May 9, 2022, 5:38:04 PM5/9/22
to MyLifeOrganized
I gotta' agree with Jeff...  Strong scripting abilities would be amazing!  And yes, it would take care of many future feature requests, because advanced forum users could help people write custom scripts, add-ons, or whatnot. 


May 11, 2022, 9:58:23 AM5/11/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Yes, wouldn't that be great! Scripts triggered by actions (I create a new item, it automatically sets the start date to "today" and the due date to the same as the nearest sibling...).

Dwight Arthur

May 11, 2022, 11:00:23 AM5/11/22
to, Stéph
Scripts would be amazing, especially if they could be triggered by a condition in the data as well as by an action. For example, if this task goes more than one week overdue, send an email to Joe with a copy to me.

Alternative, build an API and attach an external scripting app like ifttt

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Brandon Welch

May 15, 2022, 5:55:29 PM5/15/22
to MyLifeOrganized
My top three features for a new Windows version:
  1. Dark Mode...been waiting forever for this
  2. Past date task completion....would like to be able to mark something as completed yesterday, or some other past day, especially as it relates to auto-generation of recurring tasks that regenerate on completion. A lot of times I don't mark the task as completed right away, and then it regenerates to the wrong day, and I have to move it manually.
  3. Tab Customization...beyond different icons and text, I'd like the option of having workspace tabs in different colors or being able to make the text bold, to make the more frequently used ones stand out

Michael Emerald, CFA

May 15, 2022, 7:41:00 PM5/15/22

I’ll add to #2 with another reason for past date task completion: sub-tasks with delays that depend upon the task “PROJECT BEGINS”.  If I want to fast from 4 p.m. to 4 a.m., and I get home at 6 p.m., I need to be able to mark that the fast began 4 p.m., rather than 6:10 p.m. when I marked it complete.



Take Care,


Michael Emerald, CFA


Performance Business Design

Owner, Business Strategy Consultant


May 16, 2022, 11:47:04 PM5/16/22
to MyLifeOrganized
A good thing concerning #2 is that you can already edit the Completed date (Go to Task Statistics and click [Edit...] ).
Problem is I can't change the completed time, no matter if the task was configured to use Time for start and due dates.


May 19, 2022, 2:57:10 AM5/19/22
to MyLifeOrganized
I would also add a vote for richer text view and I support / prefer markdown.

@dwight, many forums already solve this fairly elegantly, see for example Reddit and I would favor an implementation like that too.

Patricio Carranza

May 19, 2022, 2:57:10 AM5/19/22
to MyLifeOrganized
hi All, sharing some ideas here too, mainly thought for MLO Windows version:

- there should a simple/easy shortcut for switching through 'completed task hidden', 'old completed task hidden', 'completed task shown' (probably easy to implement, and high value added type of feature) note: I solved it since I use autohotkey, so found a way to toggle that setting through the keyboard.

- filters available at the top in the toolbar section, ideally fully customizable which filters you can have there OR make columns name filters (like in Excel, that would be super powerful!), but at min the ability to filter by 'due date', 'importance', 'goal', 'status', 'context' would be super productive. (I know you can set them from the Advance filters feature, but the ability to have handy at just 1-click would make a huge difference)

- ability to change 'status' field values from the main view (like you can change due date) without the need to go to the properties panel on the right. <-- generalizing this: any field that have a list of predefine values should be possible to be updated from the main view

- status field available in any task w/o the need to make it a project.

- 'Group by' popup should probably have a grid (instead of the current controls), such that you can easily move up/down the fields you want to group by, that would be much easier to set up and update as needed. Even with the grid you can keep the limit of only 4 group by levels.

- warning, game changer idea :-), a calendar view, I know and use the ability to sync up with Google Calendar, it works like a charm indeed, bi-directional update, just amazing, I agree, BUT, I think having a built-in calendar view would take the app to the next level well beyond competitors, this is the idea:
-- first the basic features you 'would expect' in any calendar view:
--- a section on the calendar page from where you can see your list of tasks, such that you can drop into the calendar the ones you want
--- ability to drag and drop tasks from any day/time to another day/time
--- the 'typical' day/weekly/monthly views
--- ability to filter the tasks as you can do in the existing views <-- this is the big difference / value add in comparison to use Google Calendar, meaning Google Calendar is great, but you can't take advantage of all the MLO filtering features, that's why a built-in calendar in MLO would be simply awesome
--- when you drop a task (either from the backlog, or move one that was already in the calendar) into a time slot that already had a task, a domino effect is triggered that would move the tasks sequentially:
any existing tasks that were already in the calendar on the same time slot would moved automatically. e.g. if I have a task that goes from 2pm to 3pm, and place in that same slot a 30 mins task at 2pm, then the existing one would automatically move to 2:30 to 3:30pm, same would happen with any task that was after 3:30, basically when you place a task in the calendar (or move an existing one) you create a domino effect...(that's not available in any calendar app I have tried so far). tasks that fall from Day 1 would automatically move to Day 2, etc
--- ability to control the 'domino effect': flag available at the task level to keep the task unchanged if you place another task in that same slot, or by tasks moved due to the domino effect. Basically (it could be by default) each task has a flag that protects from being automatically moved by the domino effect, but you have the option to uncheck that protection such that the domino effect will move it. Real life example, you plan 3 things for day 1, ('enjoy time with the family', 'go running', and 'study machine learning'), and you only complete the first 2, so you move 'study machine learning' to day 2 where you already had tasks planned, those tasks that were already in day 2 are automatically pushed down based on the duration assigned to 'study machine learning' and the time slot you place it.
-- another neat feature would be to have Quarterly/Yearly/Next N Years views that allow you to plan at that level e.g an outcome I'd like to achieve the next quarter, the next second quarter, the next year, you get the idea, etc...

- and finally of course, :-), custom fields, it was already asked by many people already, so +1. Ability to create custom fields of different types (dates, list of text, list of numbers), then able to filter and/or group using the custom fields. Custom fields on top of existing MLO features would simply be 'rock and roll baby!' :-)


May 24, 2022, 12:49:12 PM5/24/22
to MyLifeOrganized
A relatively simple improvement is to make some visible indication on the check box the moment you click to complete a recurring task.
Many times especially when I was new at this, I would click the task, see nothing happen, and click it again several times (it is actually normal for me to either have trouble with my mouse button, or operating system not responding).
Slowly I realize that I have now completed furture occurrences clear into next year but of course I was only trying to complete the current one!

Please make some kind of animation to indicate the recurrence coming back, or at least show the check mark for a limited time to show that it acknowledged my click!  Yes I am aware that if you are watching someplace else on the screen and remember what the due date said then you would see a change to know, but obviously that will not do for this feature request. We were not looking over there most of the time; just make the actual checkbox do something.

Daniel Sekera

May 24, 2022, 2:54:45 PM5/24/22

So many times I think I must have missed the click, only to then find I did occurrences into the future

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Claude x

May 26, 2022, 11:23:08 AM5/26/22
to MyLifeOrganized

The only thing that i miss in MLO is a sort of drag and drop task to schedule them in a calendar view in the same manner of google task/ google calendar or Microsoft to do/Outlook calendar....

Is very handy for week planning and instead of a list of number you can easily visually see correlation between planned task/event and the time that they "fill"....

I would like to see also a "day remaining counter" in columns....i know is already possible to see them moving mouse over due date, but a dedicated column would be great to see them all at a glance....



May 27, 2022, 3:06:14 AM5/27/22
to MyLifeOrganized
I have been working with MLO for many years now.
My thoughts (mainly) about the desktop version.

I love MLO for my task planning.
It is a very versatile planning tool and task organizer.
I love the flawless synchronization across all my devices. 
I love the different ways of adding tasks to my inbox (task-by-email, Siri reminders, ...)

I can live with MLO for my todo lists.
I managed to set up a reasonable overview about my upcoming tasks, using workspaces, views, filters and sorting.
My standard view "My Day" shows technically all I need, but it is neither a nice nor a motivating user interface. 
A more attractive wrapping around a list of undone tasks wouldn't hurt :-)

I am lost with MLO when "Doing" things.
For the tasks I have to do on my computer I would wish MLO could support me more in focusing at the current task.
Maybe the next evolution step of the "Zoom" function?
My idea would be something like an always-on-top vertical task bar/window, showing 
  • the task I am working on 
  • the time I have been spending on this task including an alarm  (pomodoro technique) 
  • a plain notes field for quickly putting down ideas, next steps or links without diverting my focus to a separate tool.
Today I try to bridge this gap by using a desktop notes program in parallel, but I have to copy my notes back and forth to MLO.

Mark Levison

May 27, 2022, 8:11:15 PM5/27/22
to MyLifeOrganized
@Hienz you’ve just summarized my entire MLO relationship for as long as I’ve used the app. Which apparently dates back 17yrs almost to the day.

Easy to plan with, Easy to keep track of everything. Hard to live with on a day to day basis, which is why I eventually wind up abandoning it every few years.

Mark - an early user and former forum admin

Daniel Sekera

May 31, 2022, 11:48:28 AM5/31/22
Mark, That is simply the best description of my MLO usage ever.   I also have been around nearly as long.  The 'exact' same thoughts: "Easy to plan with, Easy to keep track of everything. Hard to live with on a day to day basis"   OMG I'm married to MLO!


May 31, 2022, 3:34:27 PM5/31/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Agreed; I too have used MLO since before there was a version number (syncing with my Microsoft PDA before a smart phone was possible).
Ten years later I thought the difficulty with daily usage would be solved but now, even that was a long time ago and I struggle to maintain tasks. It seems mostly changing what would help me could hinder some other way someone uses it. Internally, it might require much planning plus a big rewrite, but they don't have funding to just hire another team to develop a whole new idea in parallel. Would be like a competition to see who wins becoming the next release (it's what Microsoft has done, and just drop the one that didn't win).

But if they will redo it at least enough to allow some scripting language to check and modify things triggered by events, that would be a great start so others can help make normal usage work the way they need, sharing the ideas. Let's make MLO great again

Mark Levison

May 31, 2022, 5:31:59 PM5/31/22
Good to see all the old timers crawl out of the woodwork. I'm going to offer a suggestion that appears alot of the Mac world at the moment that would help Andrey and in the long run help us.

Switching to a subscription model. Many iOS apps have done this in the past few years to provide a stable income stream for their creators and steady stream.

- Steady income allows the app developer to keep people on staff
- Features can be released as it's useful and not a big bang i.e. v5 or 6 - where if you don't get your feature in that release you wait another 12-18 mth release cycle

Others who have done the same transition gave existing app owners, permanent access to all existing features. One app (either Drafts or Fantastical), simply made all existing "Pro" features free and then the subscription unlocked the new features. There were other safeguards put in place, but the key idea is existing users didn't lose anything,

Greg Pierce (of Drafts), discussed his journey on the MacPowerUsers Podcast:

When I find the interview with the Fantastical founder I will share.

I know for some this is hersey and so Andrey will need to reflect carefully. Frankly I think it's Andrey's path to long term sustainability. I would even give up my free license that I won years ago and pay for a subscription.



May 31, 2022, 6:02:05 PM5/31/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Mark has a great idea with the subscription model, for all the reasons he stated.  I have often wondered how app developers survive if they rely on one-off purchases so the suggestion is not at all heretical, just seems like common sense.  Over the many years I have been a user the average cost of updates would have been no more than a few dollars per year ($10?  $15?) and I would happily switch to that instead of paying for a new version every 2-3 years.


Mark Levison

May 31, 2022, 7:26:29 PM5/31/22

I promised to follow-up with the Flexibits story - I heard it on John Gruber's podcast: although the one on Launched: might be more focused.

FWIW The Flexibits apps very very cool. 


Daniel Sekera

Jun 1, 2022, 8:40:22 AM6/1/22
As I pull my hp IpaQ out of the drawer and now try to find the power cord to see if I left MLO on it :)

On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 3:34 PM imajeff <> wrote:

Brandon Welch

Jun 1, 2022, 4:42:34 PM6/1/22
to MyLifeOrganized
I personally hate the subscription model for apps and it is a huge deterrent for me when selecting whether or not to use something. I feel like I am already doing it with the cloud sync subsription, which makes some sense because there is ongoing infrastructure costs involved, and I am willing to pay for significant updates. I understand it is a more remunerative model for developers, but you will definitely lose customers going that way. As for the spiel about getting more updates, I personally don't see a huge amount more updating with software that I'm forced to rent instead of buy, and it actually seems to me if anything that the old update model creates more motivation to create meaningful updates that people are willing to pay for. If for financial reasons MLO went entirely subscription-based, I'd probably sign up because I'm a long-time user and many, many searches and trials have shown me that while almost everything else looks nicer (mostly talking about Windows), there's nothing out there with a comparable feature set. Just don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining...subscription models are all about generating more (and more steady) income.

Jun 2, 2022, 10:19:06 AM6/2/22
to MyLifeOrganized
The version/upgrade vs subscription model is complex. On one end you may have a developer that may not get enough money for his hard work and on the other end the user can end-up being help hostage by the software. I don't mind the subscription model for Spotify, Netflix etc... Because if I stop using that service, I don't loose much, beside the ability to listen or watch something. If that new hot series comes around, I get back onto the train and that it, I just have to start paying again and that's it. I don't have to spend hundreds of hours setting up things like a task manager. For a "life critical" software, it is different. Let me share my journey with a budget software (YNAB)

In August 2012 I bought a licence for $60. The software was so well written that in July 2022, It will be my 120th month of usage for an owning cost of $0.50/month. Of course that too low to have any developer live on that. If instead of going with the subscription model I don't remember when, they would have came up with upgrades, I would certainly have upgraded each year for let's say $40. So ownership cost : $60 + (9 x $40) = $420

I cannot come-up with a precise comparison since I don't have track of all the when and how much but when they started the subscription model, it was $6/Month so $72/Year. Just there it was a 20% price increase over the $60 and at the end of that year your system stops working...unless you keep paying $72/Year which is 180% what would have been a let's say $40 upgrade fee (That I can buy or not). As of today, the subscription is $14.99/Month or $8.25/Month if paid yearly. So now, provided that this price freezes in time, the (10) year cost of usage would be 120 x $8.25 = $990.

Some will remember SalesForce pricing when it started and how they can't really bail-out once all their business process is on there after how many hours of configuration.

IMO, MLO is currently not using the full upgrade potential. I bought MLO5 (3) years ago for $60 and never was offered any upgrade, that I would most likely purchased, without a knife on my throat.


Mark Levison

Jun 2, 2022, 12:06:51 PM6/2/22
A few details that may help:
- All of the apps I've seen keep the current "pro" level features free forever
- You can always stop paying and then the app reverts to the free version
- I've only been using Fantastical for 6 months, but am amazed at the rate new features appear. They now have a whole calendly like product built into fantastical - so my subscription to one product saves me the cost of another
- The Android and iOS apps have always seemed to suffer because they only get sporadic love, a steady revenue stream would allow Andrey to put consistent effort into them, which should speed the product cycle.
- I feel by paying a small subscription I ensure the developer has an incentive to keep the app going forever vs the apps I've seen where I pay $10 once and bugs are never fixed or worse the app goes away (my workout tracking app_

(I'm sure some of my viewpoint comes from my professional work where I'm clients do Continuous Delivery and Continuous Discovery)


Jun 11, 2022, 10:53:40 AM6/11/22
to MyLifeOrganized
I know that the MLO team as far more important things to deal with right now but since that MLO6 thread keeps on popping, I was wondering if it was only a MLO6 idea or if there was some more concrete timeline for it? Like what stage are we at? Concept, Alpha, Beta?


Jun 11, 2022, 5:35:15 PM6/11/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Hello mv1. Nothing in this discussion thread (or the whole forum, for that matter) is confirmed as a development target for the MLO team. These are all users' feedback and views. The MLO team have never shared development plans or schedules - I guess because they don't want to build expectations and then disappoint.



Jun 23, 2022, 3:59:07 PM6/23/22
to MyLifeOrganized
  1. My #1 request is, hands down, to add a field for tracking delegates. I envision this field to be very similar to the context field. The user defines the names and can rearrange or alphabetize them. Multiple selections are possible. For anyone that manages people, this is critical. I've used the context field as a workaround for more than 15 years. It's passable but not ideal. Solving this one shortcoming would enable interest by a host of potential new users. [Sorry, Andrey. I know I must sound like a broken record.]

    Everything else is very much secondary. Lots of good, innovative ideas here and in the blog responses.

  2. Modernize the interface with fast adapting to changes. I find myself tweaking things frequently as I move my laptop from desktop to laptop and back. Scaling fonts, better column sizing algorithm, etc. would really improve the field. Themes are not sufficient. 
  3. Ability to have multiple views of the same file opened in different, independent windows (with full functionality for the properties pane, etc). Win11s new snap functionality enables lots of view options.
  4. I'm not a markdown fan. Rich text and ability to drag/drop graphics would be great. I understand this is a big change and not likely this round.
  5. Automatically replicate views and workspaces across platforms.
Wish the entire MLO team all the best. Stay safe, friends.


Hammy Havoc

Jul 7, 2022, 2:05:49 AM7/7/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Something I'd like to see: automatic routing/action rules based on sender or subject in Task By Email on the cloud portion.

E.g. I receive an email from my partner to sort something on the house, it goes to the relevant list. Todoist can set due date etc via email.

I also think that in 2022, 2-factor authentication is an absolute must for the cloud portion of MLO. Whilst I don't expect to be compromised, and I follow good password hygiene by not reusing passwords, I bet a good chunk of users don't.
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Jul 7, 2022, 9:55:41 AM7/7/22
to MyLifeOrganized
I agree. I am not a fan of subscription models...especially for standalone software. I'd rather pay once at retain ownership. I'm happy to pay for upgrades. As I approach retirement, this becomes even more important to me. I want to retain capabilities that I have had.

Michael Emerald, CFA

Jul 13, 2022, 10:25:43 AM7/13/22



I don’t like them either, mostly because I always feel that if the developer stops development for any reason (including retirement), I’m left with nothing.  Also, by now everyone has experienced software that’s taken a big step BACKWARD.  E.g. this “sharing phenomenon”, which I always thought a waste of time, has often resulted in dropping features.  The most blatant example I know is Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.  I’ve used the same version for 6+ years.  When I looked at the new Adobe Cloud that Adobe raves about, literally half the features were gone.


Ditto for Quickbooks.  I went from desktop to cloud…then called and cancelled my cloud, in favor of the feature-rich version I had been using.


Thus, I can foresee the day when I read…”You can now have shared MLO lists for team work!”, but with it gone is advanced filtering, gone are hourly contexts, gone are text tags.


Take Care,


Michael Emerald, CFA


Performance Business Design

Owner, Business Strategy Consultant


From: 'bs' via MyLifeOrganized <>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 09:56
To: MyLifeOrganized <>

Hammy Havoc

Jul 13, 2022, 10:36:17 AM7/13/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Alarmist nonsense. To liken MLO to Adobe or QuickBooks is bizarre. Adobe makes a huge suite of products with an almost $16bn annual revenue, and QuickBooks makes almost $10bn, and are a literal standard, regardless of what you may think about it.

I'm sure something as simple as a shared list with permissions can be implemented without losing any kind of functionality.

It's as simple as a displaying a second profile within the UI, and using metadata to dictate permissions.

If you think "this sharing phenomenon" is a gimmick then clearly you've been living under a rock and have never used a project management system in the last 20 years, or any of the modern day GTD apps that feature shared lists. Even Microsoft To Do and Apple's Reminders feature shared lists, and they're free and available in the OOBE on any modern-day device.

Jeff Smith

Jul 13, 2022, 2:02:15 PM7/13/22
Trust me Hammy, nobody is likening MLO to QuickBooks and that's not necessarily a good thing.
Still I don't think going to a subscription model would be wrong, I just don't think people would reasonably agree to do it because, well, after more than 13 years of this I just don't see what has improved enough to be worth paying for every version. MLO understands because they are not like Adobe in any way, so they honor my decision when I stayed on ver 2.0 (or 2.5) for 10 years.

I finally upgraded on release 5, hoping it would help both them and me... and maybe I would do a subscription but only if they finally organize how to change this base structure to accommodate API and scripting. But why would they do that after more than 10 years of ignoring the requests? Shoot they didn't even have resources to make a proper version for Apple computers.

Mark Levison

Jul 13, 2022, 4:44:57 PM7/13/22
Jeff - observe Andrey (whom I like) has never once taken a suggestion from me in the many many years I've been here.

That said

On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 2:02 PM Jeff Smith <> wrote:
I finally upgraded on release 5, hoping it would help both them and me... and maybe I would do a subscription but only if they finally organize how to change this base structure to accommodate API and scripting. But why would they do that after more than 10 years of ignoring the requests? Shoot they didn't even have resources to make a proper version for Apple computers.
...if we had subscriptions then Andrey could afford to pay another person to work on an ongoing basis to pay for continuous improvements.

Fantastical sends me a new version every few weeks. 
Evernote updates every week (or two).
Drafts - new features frequently.

Whereas I've paid for Alfred the old fashioned way and it updates rarely.


Mark Levison

Aug 25, 2022, 5:09:37 PM8/25/22
Just for fun Pixelmator has gone to subscription:

an end users reaction: - yes the comments make it clear that not everyone is happy. I just thought it would be interesting to see the changing landscape.


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Oct 3, 2022, 5:10:01 PM10/3/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Another vote for scripting! That would be huge. The amounts of extra features MLO would get is insane

For example the first thing I would try to build is a tool to allow MLO to communicate both ways with Airtable & (task hierarchy included).

B Campag

Oct 4, 2022, 4:09:05 AM10/4/22
Mark me down as one customer who would never, repeat never, enter into a subscription agreement for MLO. I would simply continue using it at whatever level it had risen to prior to that move.

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Sebastian Martín Aguilar

Oct 8, 2022, 12:14:58 PM10/8/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Agree with the scripting capabilities!!

Oct 14, 2022, 7:54:20 AM10/14/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Some more ideas:
- For recurring tasts, be able to set only the starting date but no due date.
- Edit all tasks fields directly in the task list window.
- Be able to have a tag that allows to be shown in the today window as well.


We support you un the Ukraine!

onsdag 4 maj 2022 kl. 02:44:40 UTC+2 skrev
I had submitted one of these feature requests in the past; but will repost it:

*Option to make task defer to parent's notes.  
What I mean is that, I like my parent folder to have all my case notes (phone logs, observation notes, etc).  The parent folder has many subtasks.  Those subtasks are simple todos though -- they never have notes.  So if one of those subtasks is currently selected, the notes pane should display the notes for its parent folder.  This would be a task-level option; not an outline-level option.  I can explain more if it helps.  

*Only one folder from this branch can be expanded at a time. 
If I have many folders, or subfolders, of the same level (i.e. all siblings of the same branch), then only one of them can be expanded at a time.  If I expand one, the other one collapses automatically.  This would be an outline-level setting.  It would have to be easy to turn this setting on and off.  

*Rich Text in Notes.  
I tried getting used to Markdown, but it just doesn't work for me.  I need to be able to edit the notes and see them at the same time. 

Thanks for considering.  

Stay Strong Ukraine!!!

Senthil Sundaram

Oct 17, 2022, 2:30:39 AM10/17/22
to MyLifeOrganized
Custom fields and ability to filter / group using it would be awesome!!!! It will take MLO to the next level

On Wednesday, 18 May 2022 at 23:57:10 UTC-7 wrote:
hi All, sharing some ideas here too, mainly thought for MLO Windows version:

- there should a simple/easy shortcut for switching through 'completed task hidden', 'old completed task hidden', 'completed task shown' (probably easy to implement, and high value added type of feature) note: I solved it since I use autohotkey, so found a way to toggle that setting through the keyboard.

- filters available at the top in the toolbar section, ideally fully customizable which filters you can have there OR make columns name filters (like in Excel, that would be super powerful!), but at min the ability to filter by 'due date', 'importance', 'goal', 'status', 'context' would be super productive. (I know you can set them from the Advance filters feature, but the ability to have handy at just 1-click would make a huge difference)

- ability to change 'status' field values from the main view (like you can change due date) without the need to go to the properties panel on the right. <-- generalizing this: any field that have a list of predefine values should be possible to be updated from the main view

- status field available in any task w/o the need to make it a project.

- 'Group by' popup should probably have a grid (instead of the current controls), such that you can easily move up/down the fields you want to group by, that would be much easier to set up and update as needed. Even with the grid you can keep the limit of only 4 group by levels.

- warning, game changer idea :-), a calendar view, I know and use the ability to sync up with Google Calendar, it works like a charm indeed, bi-directional update, just amazing, I agree, BUT, I think having a built-in calendar view would take the app to the next level well beyond competitors, this is the idea:
-- first the basic features you 'would expect' in any calendar view:
--- a section on the calendar page from where you can see your list of tasks, such that you can drop into the calendar the ones you want
--- ability to drag and drop tasks from any day/time to another day/time
--- the 'typical' day/weekly/monthly views
--- ability to filter the tasks as you can do in the existing views <-- this is the big difference / value add in comparison to use Google Calendar, meaning Google Calendar is great, but you can't take advantage of all the MLO filtering features, that's why a built-in calendar in MLO would be simply awesome
--- when you drop a task (either from the backlog, or move one that was already in the calendar) into a time slot that already had a task, a domino effect is triggered that would move the tasks sequentially:
any existing tasks that were already in the calendar on the same time slot would moved automatically. e.g. if I have a task that goes from 2pm to 3pm, and place in that same slot a 30 mins task at 2pm, then the existing one would automatically move to 2:30 to 3:30pm, same would happen with any task that was after 3:30, basically when you place a task in the calendar (or move an existing one) you create a domino effect...(that's not available in any calendar app I have tried so far). tasks that fall from Day 1 would automatically move to Day 2, etc
--- ability to control the 'domino effect': flag available at the task level to keep the task unchanged if you place another task in that same slot, or by tasks moved due to the domino effect. Basically (it could be by default) each task has a flag that protects from being automatically moved by the domino effect, but you have the option to uncheck that protection such that the domino effect will move it. Real life example, you plan 3 things for day 1, ('enjoy time with the family', 'go running', and 'study machine learning'), and you only complete the first 2, so you move 'study machine learning' to day 2 where you already had tasks planned, those tasks that were already in day 2 are automatically pushed down based on the duration assigned to 'study machine learning' and the time slot you place it.
-- another neat feature would be to have Quarterly/Yearly/Next N Years views that allow you to plan at that level e.g an outcome I'd like to achieve the next quarter, the next second quarter, the next year, you get the idea, etc...

- and finally of course, :-), custom fields, it was already asked by many people already, so +1. Ability to create custom fields of different types (dates, list of text, list of numbers), then able to filter and/or group using the custom fields. Custom fields on top of existing MLO features would simply be 'rock and roll baby!' :-)

Nov 3, 2022, 4:30:29 AM11/3/22
to MyLifeOrganized
It would be great if views and filters (and some of teh settings) could be include din teh sync. So that all views are teh same on teh various devices.
Thanks for teh great work.

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