praise + feature idea :)

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Dec 12, 2011, 2:11:39 PM12/12/11
to My Web Brain
Hi, I just started using mwb. I'm still "evaluating" it, but so far it
seems pretty good to me.

What I liked the most :
- its visual simplicity, yet still "attractive"
- its "thoughts" (aka inbox) feature : you'd be amazed how many gtd
apps don't have a proper one ! I consider it crucial, so thanks for
that :)

Like I said, I've only just started using it, so I've not yet explored
everything, but I already have a suggestion : why not turn the
reference into a (even minimalist) wiki ?

I'm pretty sure you can find freely available wiki engines out there,
so you would just need some disk space (which you already need ;-) )
and some css crafting...

Among my previous tries at gtd applications was a gtd tiddly wiki, and
I have to admit it was great for the reference (and even for someday/
maybe, for that matter).

Just my thoughts... more might come later :)
-- pef

Ben from He3

Dec 16, 2011, 8:20:04 AM12/16/11
to My Web Brain
Hi Pef,

Thanks for your thoughts! I agree it is amazing how many 'GTD' apps
don't allow you to collect freestyle thoughts for processing. Most of
them seem to skip that part of the process.

Nice idea about the Wiki for reference too. Unfortunately most
libraries wouldn't help MWB since it is implemented in Google App
Engine which requires pretty specific persistence strategies. I do
remember using Tiddly Wiki for creating support notes at one place I

One other idea for a reference system is to integrate with something
like Evernote.

Don't get too attached to MWB. I have not shown it the love it
deserves recently due to work and family commitments. And now Google
is charging a lot more heavily for the privilege of working on it. On
the other hand, I seem to keep hearing from people with good ideas and
thoughts about the potential something like MWB - which follows 'real'
GTD - might have.

Thanks again.

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