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Feature request: after adding context please leave me in context settings

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Adam Hepner

Feb 10, 2010, 12:37:21 PM2/10/10
to My Web Brain
It doesn't make a lot of sense to redirect to today after adding a new
context. First time I did it, I added context @phone, and accidentally
a thought "@net" :D

Ben from My Web Brain

Feb 11, 2010, 8:30:29 AM2/11/10
to My Web Brain
okay I see what you mean.

There are 2 ways to get to the context page where you can create new

1. From the Settings page when you click on 'Manage Contexts'
2. From the Today page when you click on 'New Contexts'

Both seem to take you to the previous page. Eg. If you entered via
settings you are returned to the settings page.
If you entered from the Today page, you are returned to the Today

In both cases the current context is switched to the new context.

I think the correct behavour should be:
1. From the manage contexts screen: Enter the name of a new context,
and save it.
2. You are returned to the manage contexts screen where you can enter
another context.

However, A 'back' or 'finished' link on the Manage contexts page
allows you to return you to your original page (Today OR Settings).

What do you think?

Also should I automatically switch the current context like I do at
the moment?


Adam Hepner

Feb 11, 2010, 9:28:17 AM2/11/10
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Ben from My Web Brain
<> wrote:
> okay I see what you mean.
> There are 2 ways to get to the context page where you can create new
> contexts:
> 1. From the Settings page when you click on 'Manage Contexts'
> 2. From the Today page when you click on 'New Contexts'
> Both seem to take you to the previous page. Eg. If you entered via
> settings you are returned to the settings page.
> If you entered from the Today page, you are returned to the Today
> page.
> In both cases the current context is switched to the new context.
> I think the correct behavour should be:
> 1. From the manage contexts screen: Enter the name of a new context,
> and save it.
> 2. You are returned to the manage contexts screen where you can enter
> another context.
> However, A 'back' or 'finished' link on the Manage contexts page
> allows you to return you to your original page (Today OR Settings).
> What do you think?
> Also should I automatically switch the current context like I do at
> the moment?
> Cheers.

I think that You need to develop a so called "user story" - a
description of a series of actions undertaken by user in order to
accomplish a goal. So, as I see it, there are two separate "user

1) User wants to configure/manage his contexts (more than one at a
time). Therefore, after adding a context, he should be able to
instantly add another one, and/or request to go back to a list of
context. Maybe even it should be a single page? Like: there's a list
of context, and a textfield saying "add a new context" above it", so
you can review your contexts, remove them, and add new - all on a
single page.

2) User is _in a workflow_, and realizes, that there is no context
defined for what he wants to do. So, because context is a rather
simple entity (just a name, as a matter of fact), he also should be
able to add a context "on the fly". Example: let's assume, that I have
a context @phone defined, and I'm creating actions in a review. So, I
start entering details for my first action, and it starts to suggest
me context as I type them (sorta like facebook does in a search
field). I can see the desired "@phone" context, so I choose it. I
click "save action" and the user story is complete.
I start adding other action, which is to be done @errands, which is
not there. So, when I start typing @errands, no results are found. The
app should warn me about it ("There is no context @errands, and it
will be created"), and as I click "save action" - it should first
create the context, and then save the action.

That is as I see it. Also, it just hit me - there should be no
redundant contexts - i.e. I shouldn't be able to create two context
with same name, which, I guess is possible right now.

Also, did You ever think about creating "structured" context?
MyLifeOrganized allows such thing, ThinkingRock does it via views,
where you can add several context to a single action list view. The
idea is that some context may "contain" other contexts. For example,
every time I'm at home, I have phone and net available, so upon
viewing "@home" context, I should be seeing actions with all those
contexts. Of course, if, by being @net i understand that i can do
@mail stuf,, that means that i can do those @home as well, right? It's
like defining a context a superset of other contexts.

> On Feb 11, 3:37 am, Adam Hepner <> wrote:
>> It doesn't make a lot of sense to redirect to today after adding a new
>> context. First time I did it, I added context @phone, and accidentally
>> a thought "@net" :D

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Pozdrawiam serdecznie
Adam Hepner :: Trener Stylu Życia :: Klub Sukcesu

tel. 509 093 095

Ben from My Web Brain

Feb 13, 2010, 9:30:46 PM2/13/10
to My Web Brain
Hi Adam,

Again, thanks for the feed back. You are right about the two user
stories about configuring contexts. I have also been thinking of a
more structure experience for the first time a user logs on, where
they might enter their contexts as part of a basic setup screen.

So the user stories would then be:
1. As a user, I want to be able to look at all of my contexts, and
add, rename or delete several contexts in one sitting.
2. As a user, As I process my thoughts I want to be able to create a
new context as required to get the thought processed.
3. As a user who has just signed in the for the first time, I want to
set up my account, including my list of contexts, in a streamlined way
so I know I am ready to use the tool.

You are correct that currently contexts can have the same name - I
already have an issue (#190) open for that.

I have definitely thought about structured contexts, in EXACTLY the
same way you were talking about. Great minds think alike, etc :)
(logged as ticket #262)

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> --
> Pozdrawiam serdecznie
> Adam Hepner :: Trener Stylu Życia :: Klub Sukcesu
> tel. 509 093 095

> e-mail: adam.hep...@best.pl

Adam Hepner

Feb 15, 2010, 6:55:47 PM2/15/10
Just a quickie here - how about granting me guest access to
bugtracker? It'd streamline the discussion a little bit, as we'd be
able to discuss different aspects of the application in separate

> For more options, visit this group at

Pozdrawiam serdecznie
Adam Hepner :: Trener Stylu Życia :: Klub Sukcesu

tel. 509 093 095

Ben from My Web Brain

Feb 22, 2010, 8:27:06 AM2/22/10
to My Web Brain
Hi Adam,

I changed the link on the Today screen to 'Manage Contexts'. Once on
the context settings screen, you are now NOT sent back to the Today
page. I think this satisfies user story number 1 that you defined

I also added the ability to create a new context inline as your create
or edit an action (while processing thoughts, etc). This requires
javascript to be enabled on the client browser- otherwise they need to
leave the page. I think this satisfies user story 2 (for the most

Let me know how these 2 changes work out for you and if they improve
your experience of the site. Thanks for your feedback!

On Feb 14, 12:30 pm, Ben from My Web Brain <>

Adam Hepner

Feb 28, 2010, 11:15:53 AM2/28/10
Hey, these things work for me pretty well, but I found another issue -
when I try to add thought with more details, I get redirected to bad

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Pozdrawiam serdecznie
Adam Hepner :: Trener Stylu Życia :: Klub Sukcesu

tel. 509 093 095

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