The following meeting has been updated:
Town(s): Shirley, MA;
Board: Devens Enterprise Commission
Time: Tuesday October 27, 2020 6:45 PM EDT
Location: Zoom Meeting info below
Devens Enterprise Commission
Meeting and Public Hearing
October 27, 2020 – 6:45 PM
Devens, MA 01434
Virtually via Zoom Meeting*
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Meeting ID: 965 4968 5596
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This Devens Enterprise Commission Regular Meeting and Public Hearing is being held virtually in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c.30A. s.20. Interested individuals can listen in and participate by phone and/or on-line by following the link and/or phone # above. Persons with disabilities or requiring interpretation wishing to listen or participate should contact
978.772.8831 x3334.
In accordance with the State’s Open Meeting Law, we wish to inform all attendees that this meeting is being recorded by the Devens Enterprise Commission.
1. Roll Call and Overview of Virtual Meeting Process and Procedures
2. Chairman's Overview of Agenda*
3. Review Minutes: August 25, 2020 and September 29, 2020
4. Public Hearings:
• Level 2 Unified Permit application submitted by MassDevelopment Finance Agency for Site Plan Approval and Wetland Notice of Intent related to the construction of a new water treatment plant, including new parking, emergency generator, associated drainage, and utilities. Project located on portions of 88 Sheridan Road (Parcel ID #2-99-202) and 39 Sheridan Road (Parcel ID# 3-99-203), Devens, MA in the Open Space and Recreation Zoning District.
• Level 2 Unified Permit application submitted by MassDevelopment Finance Agency for Site Plan Approval and Wetland Request for Determination of Applicability related to the construction of a new water treatment plant, including parking, emergency generator, associated drainage, and utilities. Project located on portions of 150 and 168 Patton Road (Parcel ID#: 10-9-200 and 11-99-204), as well as utility connections within the Patton Road Right of Way, Devens, MA in the Open Space and Recreation Zoning District.
• Level 2 Unified Permit Application submitted by Bristol Myers Squibb Cell Therapy Facility (CTF) for a Level 2 Unified Permit Amendment (Site Plan Modification) to modify the approved loading docks on the CTF and construct 421 interim surface parking spaces and associated grading, drainage, landscaping and lighting improvements in place of the approved 600-space parking garage. Property located at 38 Jackson Road (Parcel ID # 9-4-200), Devens, MA in the Innovation & Technology Business District.
5. New Business: None
6. Old Business: None
7. Public Comment
8. Adjournment
*All meeting materials will be presented live and will be posted on-line at: . If you do not have a Zoom account, you can sign up for free at:
Anyone wishing to record this meeting must notify the chair in advance
Agenda and meeting materials are available in alternative formats upon request. For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation please contact Kate Clisham at
978.772.8831 or
La agenda y el material de la reunión están disponibles en formatos alternativos bajo petición. Para preguntas sobre accesibilidad o para solicitar un alojamiento, por favor contacte a Kate Clisham al
978.772.8831 o
Upcoming DEC Meetings 2020
DEC Meeting November 5 7:30 AM
Public Hearing November 17 6:45 PM
Zoom Meeting Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 965 4968 5596
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The Devens Enterprise Commission will conduct Public Hearings on Tuesday October 27, 2020 at 6:45 PM virtually via Zoom to consider the following applications:
MassDevelopment Finance Agency Level 2 Unified Permit for Site Plan Approval and Wetland Notice of Intent related to the construction of a new water treatment plant, including new parking, emergency generator, associated drainage, and utilities. Project located on portions of 88 Sheridan Road (Parcel ID #2-99-202) and 39 Sheridan Road (Parcel ID# 3-99-203), Devens, MA in the Open Space and Recreation Zoning District.
MassDevelopment Finance Agency Level 2 Unified Permit for Site Plan Approval and Wetland Request for Determination of Applicability related to the construction of a new water treatment plant, including parking, emergency generator, associated drainage, and utilities. Project located on portions of 150 and 168 Patton Road (Parcel ID#: 10-9-200 and 11-99-204), as well as utility connections within the Patton Road Right of Way, Devens, MA in the Open Space and Recreation Zoning District.
Bristol Myers Squibb Cell Therapy Facility (CTF) Level 2 Unified Permit Amendment (Site Plan Modification) to modify the approved loading docks on the CTF and construct 421 interim surface parking spaces and associated grading, drainage, landscaping and lighting improvements in place of the approved 600-space parking garage. Property located at 38 Jackson Road (Parcel ID # 9-4-200), Devens, MA in the Innovation & Technology Business District.
Plans and supporting information may be viewed at the Town Halls of Ayer, Harvard, Shirley or at the Devens Enterprise Commission office by appointment or on the Devens Enterprise Commission website at
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