Devens Enterprise Commission @ May 25, 2021 07:00 PM EDT

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May 14, 2021, 1:09:50 PM5/14/21

The following meeting has been updated:

Town(s): Shirley, MA;
Board: Devens Enterprise Commission
Time: Tuesday May 25, 2021 7 PM EDT
Location: Virtually via Zoom Meeting (login below)


Meeting ID: 927 1173 1958
One tap mobile


The Devens Enterprise Commission will conduct Public Hearings on Tuesday May 25, 2021 at 6:45 PM virtually via Zoom to consider a One-Day Wine and/or Malt Beverage License request from Clear Path for Veterans New England for the Devens Dash 5k Road Race event being held on Saturday June 12, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM to be held at 84 Antietam Street (Parcel ID # 31-2-400), Devens, MA.
Plans and supporting information may be viewed at the at the Devens Enterprise Commission office by appointment or on the Devens Enterprise Commission website at

Devens Enterprise Commission
Public Hearing Notice

May 25, 2021 at 6:45 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 927 1173 1958
One tap mobile +16468769923,,92711731958#

In accordance with St. 1993, c.498, § 11, The Devens Enterprise Commission (DEC) will conduct a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 6:45PM virtually via Zoom (link above) to consider regulation amendments to comply with the Devens Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements for the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone. Proposed amendments are as follows:

974 CMR 1.14(2)(j)(i) – add “illicit connections or discharges to the drainage system” to the list of enforceable public health regulations.

974 CMR 3.02 Site Plan: Requirements and Plan Form and Contents - amendments to include additional site plan review triggers, submittal certification requirements by a registered Massachusetts Professional Engineer, and additional erosion and sediment control requirements for projects exceeding one acre in size.

974 CMR 4.08 General: Stormwater Management – amendments to require stormwater design standards and criteria [974 CMR 4.08(3)] to apply to all projects being reviewed by the DEC, and to address additional on-site stormwater monitoring, management and maintenance requirements, as well as flood management, (replacing current section 974 CMR 4.08 to be deleted).

974 CMR 8.10: Discharges to the Public Storm Drain System – amendment to replace the existing Severability section with this new section to regulate and enforce illicit connections and discharges to the Devens municipal storm drain system.

974 CMR 8.11 – new section added to relocate existing 974 CMR 8.10 Severability section to.

The full text of the proposed regulation amendments may be viewed at the Town Halls of Ayer, Harvard, Shirley or at the Devens Enterprise Commission office by appointment (due to COVID-19). Copies of the draft Regulations changes are also available on the DEC website Inquiries and written comments may be submitted to Peter Lowitt, Director, Devens Enterprise Commission at 33 Andrews Parkway, Devens, MA 01434 or .

** You can manage your email notifications at

May 14, 2021, 1:10:31 PM5/14/21

The following meeting has been updated:

Town(s): Shirley, MA;
Board: Devens Enterprise Commission
Time: Tuesday May 25, 2021 7 PM EDT
Location: Virtually via Zoom Meeting (login below)


May 19, 2021, 10:38:58 AM5/19/21

The following meeting has been updated:

Town(s): Shirley, MA;
Board: Devens Enterprise Commission
Time: Tuesday May 25, 2021 7 PM EDT
Location: Virtually via Zoom Meeting (login below)

Devens Enterprise Commission
Meeting and Public Hearing
May 25, 2021 – 6:45 PM
Devens, MA 01434

Virtually via Zoom Meeting*
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 927 1173 1958
One tap mobile

This Devens Enterprise Commission Regular Meeting and Public Hearing is being held virtually in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c.30A. s.20. Interested individuals can listen in and participate by phone and/or on-line by following the link and phone # above. Persons with disabilities or requiring interpretation wishing to listen or participate should contact 978.772.8831 x3334. In accordance with the State’s Open Meeting Law, we wish to inform all attendees that this meeting is being recorded by the Devens Enterprise Commission.

1. Roll Call and Overview of Virtual Meeting Process and Procedures
2. Chairman's Overview of Agenda*
3. Review Minutes: February 23, 2021 and March 4, 2021
4. Public Hearing #1: To consider regulation amendments to 974 CMR 1.14 , 974 CMR 3.02, 974 CMR 4.08, 974 CMR 8.10, and 974 CMR 8.11 to comply with the Devens Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements for the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone.
Public Hearing #2: To consider a One-Day Wine and/or Malt Beverage License request from Clear Path for Veterans New England for the Devens Dash 5k Road Race event being held on Saturday June 12, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM to be held at 84 Antietam Street (Parcel ID # 31-2-400), Devens, MA.

5. New Business:
• Draper – Use Determination Request for Shirley Village Growth Parcel Lot 6
• Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Massachusetts – Introduction to program from MassDevelopment
• Montachusett Joint Transportation Committee (MJTC) – 2021-22 DEC Appointment
• DEC Meeting Draft Meeting Schedule July – December 2021
6. Old Business:
• Regional Housing Monitoring – Update Intermunicipal Agreement
7. Public Comment
8. Adjournment

*All meeting materials will be presented live and will be posted on-line at: . If you do not have a Zoom account, you can sign up for free at:
*Anyone wishing to record this meeting must notify the chair in advance*
Agenda and meeting materials are available in alternative formats upon request. For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation please contact Kate Clisham at 978.772.8831 or katec...@devensec.comLa agenda y el material de la reunión están disponibles en formatos alternativos bajo petición. Para preguntas sobre accesibilidad o para solicitar un alojamiento, por favor contacte a Kate Clisham al 978.772.8831 o
Upcoming DEC Meetings 2021
DEC Meeting June 3 7:30 AM
Public Hearing June 29 6:45 PM

May 21, 2021, 9:03:13 AM5/21/21
• DEC Draft Meeting Schedule July – December 2021
• Patton Well 168 Patton Road (Parcel ID #011.0-0099-0204.0)– Wetland Request for Determination Ratification of Decision to Issue a Negative Determination
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