The following meeting has been scheduled:
Town(s): Orange, MA;
Board: Library Trustees
Time: Tuesday January 21 @ 4:30 PM EST
Location: Moore-Leland Library
Chair: Candace Cross
Vice-Chair: Jessica Morris
Secretary: Joanne Woodcock
Agenda topics
Housekeeping: Call to Order
Action: Approval of Minutes
Open Time for Public
Discussion/Action: Approval of the FYI 2026 budget
Report: Director's Monthly Financial Report
Report: Director's Library Buildings and Activities Report. Update on Children's Room repairs, estimated reopening date, ramp, completed roof design with perimeter drainage plus other building issues. Library programs recent past and future
Action: Photography/Filming and Snow & Disaster Policies
Discussion: Policies not yet voted on
Discussion: Goals for the Orange Libraries' strategic planning process. Amy Borezo
Nominate/Vote 2 Trustees to become members of the Orange Libraries Strategic Plan Subcommittee
Discuss/vote member of the public to be asked to serve on the Orange Libraries Strategic Plan Subcommittee
Action: Next meeting date
Note: The listing of matters are those reasonably expected to be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed, and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law
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