The following meeting has been updated:
Town(s): Athol, MA; Royalston, MA;
Board: ARRSD - Facilities Subcommittee
Time: Wednesday October 16 @ 4:30 PM EDT
Location: Athol-Royalston Middle School Central Office Conference Room
Main field lights 6-8 out PO issued completed
Discuss issues and what is being done
Remaining gym lights over bleachers PO Completed
Student restroom locks PO issued 10/8 scheduled
Lighting project in progress
Classroom dimmers, majority on motions , wrap up ARMS looks like 3rd week Oct.
Emergency lighting PO issued 10/9-10/10
Boiler injection pump, gauges, blow offs 10/7,( start up 10/8)
Swing set completed
Playground replacement parts came in on 10/4
Light electrical PO
Perimeter lights completed
Divider switch 10/9
Front office motion diagnose 10/9
Gate PO for repair/diagnosis, board is under warranty waiting for board
Scoreboard update.
Boiler relays installation 10/8 (start up 10/8)
Lighting project 11/1( could be sooner)
Boiler pump VFD 10/10 (start up 10/10)
Teachers lounge door
Facilities assessment
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