The following meeting has been updated:
Town(s): Athol, MA;
Board: Conservation Commission
Time: Tuesday October 22 @ 6:00 PM EDT
Location: Liberty Hall
1. Call to Order
2. Wetlands Hearings
a. The Athol Conservation Commission will hold a Public Meeting on a Request for Determination of Applicability submitted by Kenneth McClure, 64 Bridge Street, Baldwinville, MA 01436 for a project proposing the removal of 3 small trees at water line, leaving stumps. Remove a downed tree currently in water. Remove one tree closer to the house at 277 Secret Lake Road in Athol, MA, Assessors Map 44, Parcel 11.
b. The Athol Conservation Commission will hold a Public Meeting on a Request for Determination of Applicability submitted by Donald S. Foster, II, 20 Fenno Drive, Westminster, MA 01473 for a project proposing the construction of a new single-family house at 45 Wilder Street in Athol, MA, Assessors Map 37, Parcel 42.
c. The Athol Conservation Commission will hold a Public Meeting on a Request for Determination of Applicability submitted by Timothy Leslie, 6 Baldwin Hill Road, Phillipston, MA 01331 for a project proposing the clearing and stumping of trees and woody vines from the site. No clearing will take place within 25' of the wetland and the clearing limit will be marked in advanced based on measurements from the wetland flags. An erosion control barrier of a silt fence or compost sock shall be installed before clearing begins at Templeton Road in Athol, MA, Assessors Map 43, Parcel 80.
3. Wetlands Other
a. Calmek – Cottage Street Update
4. Officer’s Reports
a. Minutes – September 24, 2024, for review and approval
b. Treasurer’s Reports FY 2024 – A. $30,460.70; W. $12,475.51
c. Map & Guide Account $0 - unchanged
d. Bearsden Donation Account $1,415.15
e. Forestry Management Program, Outreach $500 -- unchanged
f. Forestry Sale Account $2,650 – unchanged
5. Land Committees
a. Roads, gates, trails, west side
b. Paige Cabin & shelters
c. Newton Reservoir Area, east side
d. Comstock, Cass Meadow, Rowe, Minnie French
e. South Athol Conservation Area
Non-Bearsden Areas – Other Land Management
a. DPW Land
b. Cutting Plans
c. Forest Management
6. New Business
a. Pay bills
7. Unfinished Business, if any
8. Mail Correspondence, if any
9. Public Comment, if any
10. Chairman’s Information
11. Adjournment
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