Show of hands for tonight, please!!!

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Korny Sietsma

Jun 15, 2011, 2:43:11 AM6/15/11
to Mxug List, Liauw Fendy
Hi folks - as we have several sick organisers, I'm looking for a quick show of hands - please indicate if:
A: You intend to come to MXUG tonight
B: You intend to participate in the awesome Coding Competition

We won't cancel at this late stage, as some folks might not be on their e-mail; but it'd be good to get some idea of numbers anyway, *especially* if you are planning to come but might be late.  If we have a shortage of people by 7pm, we might abort and run the competition/talks next month.

- Korny

Kornelis Sietsma  korny at my surname dot com
"Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part
that wonders what the part that isn't thinking
isn't thinking of"

Duncan Bayne

Jun 15, 2011, 2:46:30 AM6/15/11
to mxug
> Hi folks - as we have several sick organisers, I'm looking for a quick show
> of hands - please indicate if:
> A: You intend to come to MXUG tonight
> B: You intend to participate in the awesome Coding Competition
> We won't cancel at this late stage, as some folks might not be on their
> e-mail; but it'd be good to get some idea of numbers anyway, *especially* if
> you are planning to come but might be late.  If we have a shortage of people
> by 7pm, we might abort and run the competition/talks next month.

Well, I was planning to attend & participate in the Coding
Competition, but certainly have other stuff I could do if there's an
abort. And my participation in the CC is probably going to be semi-
farcial, anyway, as I'd be learning CLSQL on the spot :-)

Duncan Bayne
ph: +61 420 817 082 | web: | skype:

Gaurav Dadhania

Jun 15, 2011, 2:52:56 AM6/15/11
I'm in camp A.

Definitely was planning on B, but my notebook isn't feeling well.

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Noon Silk

Jun 15, 2011, 2:57:05 AM6/15/11
to, Liauw Fendy
Showing hand officially,

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Korny Sietsma <> wrote:

> Hi folks - as we have several sick organisers, I'm looking for a quick show
> of hands - please indicate if:
> A: You intend to come to MXUG tonight
> B: You intend to participate in the awesome Coding Competition

I will attend and will compete, but more than happy for it to wait
till next month.

> We won't cancel at this late stage, as some folks might not be on their
> e-mail; but it'd be good to get some idea of numbers anyway, *especially* if
> you are planning to come but might be late.  If we have a shortage of people
> by 7pm, we might abort and run the competition/talks next month.
> - Korny
> --
> Kornelis Sietsma  korny at my surname dot com
> "Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part
> that wonders what the part that isn't thinking
> isn't thinking of"

Noon Silk | >

Fancy a quantum lunch?

"Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy — the joy
of being this signature."

Korny Sietsma

Jun 15, 2011, 3:12:59 AM6/15/11
I'm importing the data into MongoDB at the moment, so if anyone wants a JSON dump I can provide one :)

Though a bye is looking more likely at the moment, as we have 3 hands so far.  I'll be here though, at least until 7, so if we have a sudden rush of folks who haven't read this mail, we can decide what to do then.

- Korny

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Duncan Bayne

Jun 15, 2011, 3:16:53 AM6/15/11
to mxug
> Though a bye is looking more likely at the moment, as we have 3 hands so
> far.  I'll be here though, at least until 7, so if we have a sudden rush of
> folks who haven't read this mail, we can decide what to do then.

Argh! If it's going to be a bye I'd much rather know _now_, as the
commute for me is > 1 hour (I live in Upwey).

Noon Silk

Jun 15, 2011, 3:31:58 AM6/15/11
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Duncan Bayne <> wrote:
>> Though a bye is looking more likely at the moment, as we have 3 hands so
>> far.  I'll be here though, at least until 7, so if we have a sudden rush of
>> folks who haven't read this mail, we can decide what to do then.
> Argh!  If it's going to be a bye I'd much rather know _now_, as the
> commute for me is > 1 hour (I live in Upwey).

I'd say save the trip, call it a bye *on the competition*; the meeting
will still go ahead. Hopefully you will be significantly more
competitive in your language of choice, then :)

And we need to have Sam involved! Besides, looks like others would
play as well, had they brought laptops ... I vote bye, and in the off
chance it does go ahead, we can do it again next month anyway! (If
there is slots available).

> --
> Duncan Bayne
> ph: +61 420 817 082 | web: | skype:
> duncan_bayne


Korny Sietsma

Jun 15, 2011, 3:35:13 AM6/15/11
Agreed. It's a bye.  If we get more than a handful anyway, I'll bore them with some Clojure...

Sorry for the late messup, folks!

- Korny

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Duncan Bayne

Jun 15, 2011, 3:36:04 AM6/15/11
to mxug
> I'd say save the trip, call it a bye *on the competition*; the meeting
> will still go ahead. Hopefully you will be significantly more
> competitive in your language of choice, then :)

Okay, I'm calling it a bye then. I'll do my presentation on the Stump
Window Manager then, too ... it'll give me longer to prepare, & I'll
be able to cover it in more depth.

See you all next month.

David Kemp

Jun 15, 2011, 3:44:54 AM6/15/11
I'll attend, but not participate in the coding sorry...

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Korny Sietsma <> wrote:

Sam Watkins

Jun 15, 2011, 4:00:32 AM6/15/11
> call it a bye *on the competition*

Ah no, don't stop it for my sake. Looks like you had 3 or 4 other players
ready to go. Attila the Hun didn't cancel the invasion of Bratislava when one
of his soldiers was feeling off colour. It's on the agenda, the organizer is
coming, several people are able to compete; so do it!


Noon Silk

Jun 15, 2011, 5:07:56 AM6/15/11

Too late! You aren't getting out of the comp that easy :)

> Sam

> --
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