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iMade - working in the pit!

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Oct 23, 2009, 1:44:46 PM10/23/09
to Midwest iPhone SDK Developers
Tomorrow morning I will arrive shortly after 9 to prepare for the meet
and greet at 9:30. Feel free to come anytime after 9.

During the event I would like to set aside an area in the lab that I
am now calling The Pit. This is where people can work on the project
throughout the day and incorporate contributions from everyone at the
event. Designers may contribute graphics to use while some developers
may provide some code updates. I will encourage everyone to use this
group to share files and discuss changes.

Since Ed has made a lot of progress with integrating the pieces we are
fortunately not far from being ready with a working application. With
some final touches, testing and polish we could have an app that is
ready to submit to the App Store.

After the event I hope that we continue using the code project to
share code and work through obstacles together. At the closing I will
list off enhancements that we can implement with the My Groups app,
such as direct integration with Google Calendar, Facebook and further
integration with the groups to become members of organizations and
connecting with other members of those groups.
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