Thanks for posting this link. I downloaded all of the videos yesterday
and watched the class on Debugging with Xcode and learned quite a bit.
I now have static analysis turned on in every build.
I will let others know about this content on iTunes U. I just posted a
note on the Facebook group for the Milwaukee iPhone Meetup.
I will also post a note on Twitter. (@brennanMKE)
On Jun 5, 9:49 am, Brad Larson <> wrote:
> For people in the Milwaukee area who weren't able to make it down for my advanced iPhone development course at the Madison Area Technical College, the videos from that class are now available for free on iTunes U:
> I cover topics from Core Data to OpenGL ES in over 35 hours of class, presented in 720p HD. The course notes are also available on the main iTunes U page, containing links to the sample applications used for each class.
> I will be teaching this class again in the fall as part of MATC's iPhone development certificate: