Midwest Fish and Wildlife Abstracts DUE TODAY

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Melissa Youngquist

Sep 23, 2024, 2:57:43 PMSep 23
to mw_...@googlegroups.com
Hello Midwest PARC members!

This is a reminder to submit your abstracts to our symposium at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, which will be held from January 19 - 22 in St. Louis, Missouri. 

Our symposium is titled "Conservation of Crawfish Frogs and Other Amphibians and Reptiles of the Midwest." You can read the description for the symposium here. This is an open symposium, meaning that anyone with relevant research can submit an abstract. Abstracts are due TODAY, September 23, 2024. 

When submitting an abstract you must select that you will be part of an organized symposia and choose: 5. Conservation of Crawfish Frogs and Other Amphibians and Reptiles of the Midwest

Amphibians and reptiles may not be on the forefront of the minds of all wildlife managers, land managers, etc., which makes our contributions to conferences like this important. Please spread the word!

Hope to see you in January,

Melissa Youngquist
MWPARC Advisory Board


Melissa Youngquist, PhD

Research Biologist, Wetlands

Conservation Research Department

John G. Shedd Aquarium


Pronouns: she/her/hers

Chris Fox

Nov 20, 2024, 7:28:06 PMNov 20
to mw_...@googlegroups.com
Hi Melissa,

I don't think we have met so I wanted to introduce myself and ask you a question.  I have had some experience working with herps in the past before coming to Sycamore (mostly tracking copperbelly water snakes for a bit) but with Sycamore we have really gotten into doing more herp surveys and a lot of recent work on Kirtland's snakes.  We have been doing a lot of work in wetlands and restoring wetlands and thus has led to a real focus on herps and especially the state endangered Kirtland's snake.  And it has come at an opportune time with the US FWS reassessing its status.  My question for you is, I had the idea that it would be nice to form a group (maybe a "working group") of different people across the Kirtland's snakes range so we could share information and discuss what we are doing/finding.  I have been working a lot with Nate at Indiana DNR and he thought there may have been a group at one time.  Nevertheless, I would be interested in exploring this idea and MWPARC seemed like the best place to start.  I am by no means an expert on herps or Kirtland's snakes (honestly, I am more an ornithologist or forester than a herpetologist) but I would be interested in participating in this group and even helping getting it started if it does not exist.

By the way, I am hoping to attend the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference and if so look forward to the presentations.


Chris Fox
Land Stewardship Director
Sycamore Land Trust
PO Box 7801
ington, IN 47407-7801
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"We abuse land because we see it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."  --Aldo Leopold

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