MWPARC - open Social Media Coordinator Position!

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Jennifer Lamb

Nov 6, 2023, 10:06:58 AM11/6/23
to Midwest Partners in Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (PARC)
The Midwest PARC Outreach and Communications Task Team (OCTT) is looking for one or more new Social Media Coordinators! This volunteer position can be listed on your resume or CV and is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to communicating and educating the public about amphibians and reptiles. A single page description of the position is attached to this email. 

We are hoping to fill this position by January 2024. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the current OCTT lead, Jen Lamb ( 

MWPARC Social Media.png
Midwest PARC Social-Media Coordinator Position Description.pdf
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